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Unlike her brother, she is an introvert. She rather sits alone at the corner of the canteen or just read some book at the library. She doesn't hate crowd or human she's just saving her energy for something more productive such as making Oikawa Tooru's life miserable.


“Tooru, wake up" the black hair girl says as she tries to pull her brother blanket.
Tooru being a strong bean pole doesn't flinch even an inch and she let out an audible sigh. She is going to give up until something good come across her mind. A smirk is plastered on her face and she quickly goes to the bathroom. She takes a black bucket and fill it with icy cold water. This is going to be very entertaining.

She quietly takes the bucket, fill it up with cold water and make her way to her idiotic brother. Tooru is now curling into a ball wrapped around his blue blanket. He looks so cute and need to be protected. Her lips turn into a crescent as a sign a smile appear on her small soft lips." Despite having a shitty attitude, my brother is indeed was blessed with a good looking face" she mutter quietly and without wasting any second, misuki throw the bucket at Tooru's face and man he is now wide awake.

"Waaaaaaaaaaa" he screams and shiver. The narrow his eyes and he sees the culprit none other than his sister, Oikawa Misuki. She gives him a wide innocent smile and take a few steps back. "If you don't quickly get ready, you're going to be late" Misuki shout as she run for her life and goes to her mother.
Tooru let out a small sigh as he watches the black hair girl makes her way out of his room and jump off his bed to clean up.

He quickly goes downstairs as he glances at his watch, 7:20 AM. 'I better hurry up' he says. When he reaches the down floor, he can't see any sign of a certain 155cm girl with black hair. He assumes that the girl has leave him earlier because he knows how much misuki is a very punctual girl and being late has never existed in her dictionary.


The black hair girl is now at the front gate of the Aoba Johsai School. The building is in white with a beautiful design and it leaves the raven's hair girl in awe. She glances at her surrounding and all she sees is everyone walking together with their friends or lover. Chatting bout their summer break that looks like a bless for them.
"I should have wait for tooru and I am sure I will not be here, standing still without knowing where to go"

Suddenly she heard a squealing come from her back.

"Oikawa-sama, marry me!"

"Oikawa-san, I make you some bento"

"Oikawa-san, you're so handsome"

"Oikawa-sama, you're so cool"

Misuki flinch at all the comment and feel so disgusted as she hears her annoying brother is worshiped by all the brainless girl who doesn't know how trashy can Oikawa Tooru be. She rolls her eyes and decide to just ask the students about where she can take her schedule but well heaven is never on her side. "Misuki~~~" The brunettes shout when he sees a certain short girl with black hair in pony tail. Misuki can feel all the stare and hear all the whisper coming from all the fan girls. She quickly fastens up her pace trying to avoid any interaction with her brother but never mind, Oikawa Tooru doesn't know when to give up. He manages to keep up to Misuki thanks to his long leg. "Curse that long leg and curse my mini legs" she hiss "Come on, I know you're lost" He bends his leg and whisper. The girl is now slightly red as she realizes she's caught red-handed by her annoying brother. "I will give you the directions but" he stops for a second trying to think with his micro brain and say "be my volleyball club manager"

"NO, NEVER AND NOPE" she says immediately and turn right just in case the office is at the right side.
"Misuki, you're going to the wrong direction" Tooru says as he fold his hand and wonder why his sister is so stubborn. He then quickly pull Misuki arms and drag her to the office. Misuki give up and let her brother drag her but she knows her life as a student going to be hella hectic after this



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