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Every single day I walk down these halls. I always see people smiling and laughing. I do that too, but it's not the same. My smiles are fake and my laughs are forced. I wish I knew how to be happy. I used too, but that's when I was still a little kid. When I still had my best friend. His name was Calum, we spent so much time together. We basically lived together. I see him in the hallways sometimes. I don't know if he sees me. I'm sure he does, I left in the most brutal way. I dropped him so quick, almost as if he were a burning pan. I had to. People were saying that we were dating and making all these rumors about us. I did what was best. We were in 8th grade, it's been three years since I've talked to Calum. I feel horrible. I always look at him, but then I see him looking at me so I turn away.
I have a boyfriend, his name is carter. He doesn't understand me like Calum did. I miss him so much, but he probably hates me. I can't break up with carter because we are basically the power couple of the school and if we break up there will be so much drama. I don't want anymore drama.
All I want are my old friends and my old life. Maybe it will happen someday.

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