I had a title but as I was writing I decided it didn't fit...

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Anti's PoV:
I watch from my seat on the railing of my balcony, on the fifth floor, might I add. I watch as the group of protesters go up and down the streets, like bugs that don't know where their going. I roll my eyes, sighing.

"Just because you don't agree with the king doesn't mean you have to protest," I grumble. I look at the time and hop off the railing, onto my balcony and walk back inside. "If I'm gonna make it to the party I better get ready."

I snap my fingers and my clothes melt into a suit as I walk to the door. I sigh and just teleport out, and adjust my suit as I walk down the hall. I hold back the urge to just rip the suit to pieces and put on something more comfortable. I growl as I mess with the almost too tight tie around my neck. I had on a black suit with a dark green tie and a pair of black dress shoes.

I walk out of the hotel, into the parking lot and immediately see my friend next to her car texting on her phone. She's wearing a tank top with a small leather jacket, a black pair of pants, almost dress pants, and a pair of black, laced, boots. She looks up at me as I walk over to her and she chuckles.

"That's what you're wearing? What? Trying to impress someone tonight?" She asks before snorting. "Get in before I decide to leave you behind."

"No need to be like that, you are gonna have to change if you're going to the king's party."

"Who says I'm going?"

"You did earlier."

"Plans change."

"But you don't usually change your plans, after all, like you said, we have forever to live, so why not follow the plans we make."

"Don't use my words against me," she growls, not looking away from the road. (Btw, the friend is me) "And I do change my plans, it's just that I only do it if something comes up."

"Then why are you smirking? What do you have planned?"

"Oh, you wouldn't be interested."

"Is it your, what? Boyfriend? Girlfriend? Which is it this time? You change so often I can't tell anymore."

I smirk as she growls at me, finally looking at me. She slams on the brakes and my head smacks against the car and bounces back up, smacking against my seat. I groan as I reach up and grab my nose.

"That's what you get for making fun of me," she says.

"Hey! It's true and you know it." I look around and realize we're here. I get out of the car. I walk over to the driver side and drag her out of the car. "Look, just be careful with them, okay?"

She rolls her eyes. "I can take care of myself, now you go find a boyfriend or someone who has enough emotion to satisfy you. Who knows, you might find someone who can treat you the way you like and also satisfy you."

"We'll see," I say. I ruffle her hair and she growls at me. I chuckle and walk to the palace, adjusting my uncomfortable suit. I walk inside and am immediately hit with noise. I sigh and take a deep breath, taking in the smells.

I walk to the main part of where the party is. There are people fleeing out the door holding hands. I know the king's loose and loves parties, but everyone knows it's the king's son who throws the best parties around. He often throws them just to please his father and keep him away.

Aw yes, the king's son, Dark. Named perfectly, too. There are many people saying he was named Dark because of the deep red and the black that make up his eyes, but in all honesty, I think his mother named him that for a different reason, after all, his mother could see the future. Until she was forced away for reasons unknown to anyone but the royal family. That's why there are so many demons, we only die if we get sent away somewhere, but we still can give birth. We are able to look any age we wish, but who cares. Anyways, back to Dark. He throws all the best parties in the demon world. He throws them for many reasons, mostly just to keep his father happy. If you were to compare all the other parties you've had they would be NOTHING compared to his parties. Think of anything that goes great in a party and shove all of it into one party. No matter what you like, he has something in this huge place for ya. He has practically everything here. Anything you can think of, he's got it. He's the best around and no one can say otherwise. When he throws a party, EVERYONE is invited, but it's rare you actually see him. He may throw the party, but he often likes to be making plans for who knows what. So, if you see him, take the chance to meet him or at least get a picture with him because who knows when you'll next see him. He often has no facial expression and doesn't care about anything. You would think he has no emotions, like he's just another person following the orders of the king. I've never seen him in person, but I've seen pictures of him. The captivating eyes that look like a bloody island in an endless pool of black. The muscles that show through his shirt in the pictures, like the shirt is made just to hug his skin, showing off every muscle on his torso. The blood red part of his hair slicked back like my septic green. If I meet him I would make every second count, because, like I said, it's rare that anyone sees him more than once unless you work in the palace. But even if you do work here, this place is so big you still might rarely see him.

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