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This is a Tododeku one-shot b/c I've been writing a lot of BNHA stuff lately (Although, only one of the stories is published at current) So I hope you enjoy. And for those that don't know, I'm no longer writing Septiplier, Danti, or Frerard. I have an original story called Shake Hands with the Devil and the BNHA fic I have out at current is The Puppeteer. The Puppeteer is also a villain!Deku story as well as Tododeku. Hold tight 'cuz this is a long-un.

As soon as I open my eyes and look outside I notice the bright blue skies and white, fluffy clouds. I smile, getting a feeling today will be good day. I toss the covers off myself, stand up on shaky legs and go over to the window. I open it and smile as I take a deep breath. I hear the door open and hear a gasp.

"Midoriya, you should be resting, please get back in bed," I hear the nurse say as I feel her place a hand gently on my shoulder and grabs my arm as she helps me back to the bed. I sit on the edge and watch as she goes back over to the window and closes it. She turns back to me with a stern look on her face. "You know you're supposed to keep the door closed, what if you got sick?"

"I'm dying anyways, what difference would it make?" I ask, looking out the window and avoiding her gaze. I do this every morning and some of the nurses have given up on trying to stop me. They won't help me to open the window or get me to the window on days when I can't do so myself, but they don't stop me when I can. It's kind of refreshing when nurses like this one have to take care of me since it doesn't happen very often. She sighs and checks my vitals and makes sure I'm fine and everything is still hooked up properly. She then takes a step back.

"I'm going to get you some food, you better not be back over by the window when I come back," she says before leaving. I sigh and stand up shakily, grabbing the IV stand thingy for support as I walk over to the window. I open it after determining that it'll take about thirty minutes before she comes back since the food has to be made and the kitchen (This one has a kitchen, leave me alone) isn't very far from my room. I gaze out the window for about 26 minutes before closing the window and walking back to the bed to wait for the nurse to come back. This hospital is is used both for people who are messed up mentally or have a condition that has no cure. In my case, it's the no cure aspect. The only thing they don't have here is they don't keep dangerous people. The door opens and I see the nurse and one of the other patients walk in. I smile when I see the two women. The platinum blonde patient was put here by her spouse for hurting one of their children. She had to'd me the whole story a week after we met. She was one of the patients here for mental reasons. She smiles kindly at me.

"Hello, Ms. Todoroki," I say, shifting so I'm sitting on the bed in a way where my back is against the wall at the head. "How are you this morning?"

"I'm well Izuku," she says, sitting in one of the nearby chairs. The nurse gives me a bowl of soup that I grab and start eating. "I heard you opened the window again this morning," she tilts her head, her smile becoming strange. I gulp and glance at her. She suddenly grabs me by the ear and tugs lightly. "What have I told you about opening the window? You could get seriously ill, then what? Who would I have to talk to in this awful place if you die?" She continues tugging my ear gently but firmly as tears prick my eyes and I look down at the bowl. She lets go of my ear and sighs.

"I just want to feel the crisp air nip at my lungs, the smells of the bread from the bakery nearby fill my nose. I want to know what it feels like to be outside even partially," a few tears drip down my face and she removes the bowl from my lap and puts it to the side as she sits next to me on the bed and gently hugs me.

"I know, sweetie, but we just want to make sure you're safe. Your immune system is damaged and still recovering and your body is still weak. If you get sick, then you could die and if you go outside with you body as weak as it is, even if your immune system was up-to-snuff, what if you get attacked, you wouldn't be able to fight back."

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