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Carter's Pov.

"Stop!" I cried. He didn't he just kept kicking me in the ribs and slapping me in the face. His smile just got bigger and bigger and my cries got louder and louder. Nobody can here me screaming because my dad made them sound proof. My head was spinning and I was going insane and my dad kept beating me until he suddenly stopped and went to answer the phone.

"Don't move you bitch. We'll continue this when I'm done." he said seriously and looked at me straight into my eyes and smiled. I tried looking away but I couldn't he eyes were locked with mine and I was terrified and I'm glad the phone rang when it did. I tried wiggling out. I failed. I tried grabbing the knife to my right and it dropped to the floor with a loud crash. My dad's head turned to me and I sat straight up and hoped he looked away.

Ok... So my name is Carter Johnson and I'm 5'7 and 16 I have long blond hair that goes down to my waist and blue eyes, and my dad abuses me and I had a "Family" if you can even call them that. They left me here with him and it's the worst. It's a hell whole here. My family was once normal but I can't remember that. I can only remember the lie they told me when I was younger. Let me tell you about my wonderful family. Hint of sarcasm. I had a twin and I can't remember his name but I remember he told me he was going to come back for me when he could and my mother. She was... well I can't tell you because I can't remember her ether but I wish they could keep promises better so I could maybe live longer. I hate my family if I ever see them again I'm gonna ignore them until I die. The only reason I'm alive right now is my idols of YouTube. The MagCon gang and o2l the only reasons I'm still alive right now.  But I swear that I'm gonna die sometime because I'm ether gonna commit or die of abuse. Promise me when I say this. I have bruises and scars from my shoulders down. Nobody cares for me. My bullies... well that's different but they want me to die and the names they call me. It hurts and you can't ignore them once they get you in you can't escape. It's like drowning and not being able to come back for air and you are being dragged down into the dark conners of the ocean. The one thing that keeps me sane besides YouTube is drawing. It's my passion and it's my getaway from the world. My favorite drawing of mine is my drawing of Cameron Dallas.  I hung it in my locker and well... My bullies found it and took it from me and well.  They won't give it back. If on;y I could meet them.

"Hey! Are you even paying attention! You little Bitch!" My father yelled as he slapped me and I whimpered and tried to hold back my tears and let one slip and he kicked me and I fell and the chair came topping over me and I whimpered and let a few more tears slip.

"No, I'm sorry father. Can you please say that again?" I asked and he huffed and puffed and he finally gave in. I listened carefully and he just looked at me and stared into my blue eyes and I stared into his dark brown eyes. They were filled with sorrow and worry. What the freck? He looked the ground and back at me. He smiled and I started to get worried and he simply nodded.

"You know more beating won't hurt." he said once more and kicked me straight in the ribs and the door flung open and a bunch of cops came into the house and I looked at them and they looked at me and the pool of blood surrounding me and I looked around. Wow that's a lot of blood. Thanks Dad. Can I even call you that now?  I know the conversations I have with myself are crazy but you know you learn to believe what other people think and you learn to live with yourself and you learn to talk to yourself.

"Are you hurt?" "You're gonna be fine." "We are gonna get you out of here." The last one made me extremely happy considering that I was covered in blood and my father abused me since I was 5 years old and I'm almost 17 now. I smiled and nodded and the last thing I remember about that day was being lifted into a ambulance and falling asleep with a smile on my face. I'm finally getting of here...

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