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jordan loves will: pffft


b: our story's boring, straub

will loves jordan: tELL US

cow: teLL US

im not dead: i still think our story is the best but ok

b: fiNE


b: oK seTTLe dOWn chILdrEN mOmMY's gOT a sTOry tO tELL

boom: 0:

b: we were roommates

dabomb: booOo

will loves jordan: that's it??

cow: tHIS iS eVEn laMER


will loves jordan: sorry dad ;(

jordan loves will: hEY im ur only daddy

will loves jordan: ;3

b: that's not aLL !! there's a story behind it !!

b: he slipped into my dm's if u know what i mean hurhur

cookie monster: o.o

b: so we got to know each other and then we moved in together after both of us realised we needed roommates !!

willy loves jordan: o.o

jordan loves will: yeah u were right, ur story is boring

cow: ^^ i agree


b: yEAH jORdAN, mAyBE i'LL sToP giVINg u gOALS goLd stARs

jordan loves will: nooOOo anything but the gOALS gold stars !!

will loves jordan: qUiCKly we must think of another cute thing to do for a gOALS gold star!1!!1!

jordan loves will: i knOW wHAT to dO!1!

jordan loves will:

will loves jordan: oH MY GOD!!! Y JORDAN Y

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will loves jordan: oH MY GOD!!! Y JORDAN Y

jordan loves will: tHIS IS SLEEPING WILL :3

jordan loves will: i forgot to add him to the lists of wills from b4

jordan loves will: i came back from my late class the other day to see him asleep on the couch waiting for m e :))

jordan loves will: i ended up snuggling under his arm and sleeping with him on the couch

jordan loves will: he didn't even wake up, he's such a sleepy head <3


cookie monster: wHY DID U DO THIS TO ME

im not dead: i dont know whether i shld murder kiani for being so darn cute

im not dead: or murder parkbomb for being not cute enough

dabomb: the 2nd option @parker

cow: when can i ever be in a relationship like this

cow: f00k me

b: it's relationship gOALS

will loves jordan: yES WE GOT THE gOALS GOLDEN STAR JOR

jordan loves will: yAy

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