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smol bean: i was watching will sleep yesterday and it suddenly hit me that this angel is mine and he's so beautiful and hot and eventually we're gonna be husbands and dads and i'm so in love

smol bean: then i hugged him and he grumbled and then he hugged me back and i was so fucking happy

b: awh :)

b: gOALS

smol bean: thAT mAkES mE nOsTalGIC

b: sEm

#BRINGBACKHARAMBE: bee where did u put the tv remote

b: it's under ur ass dummy


tall bean: jOrDaN where did u hide my nerd glasses

smol bean: they're on ur head

tall bean: oh

smol bean: me and bee live with idiots

tall bean: u were just having a william appreciation day and now u call me an idiot ;(( ??

smol bean: ur idiocy makes me lub u more daddy ;))

tall bean: <3

#BRINGBACKHARAMBE: i'm an idiot🤓

b: u rly are


b: 🙂

dabomb: i feel like parkbomb should be here too

im not dead: hEY GUYS

tall bean: wElCOmE

b: add zach and stacy and tofuudiger then we'll have all the couples in this group chat

robot boy: yO WHATSUP

stacy: lmao i thought we agreed on a less lunatic-like greeting

robot boy: right

robot boy: salutations fellow humans :))

stacy: not what i had in mind, but ok

smol bean: is she ur girlfriend or mentor ??

robot boy: both hehehee

tall bean: jordan's my little ball of sunshine💘

tall bean: ..that's covered in tattoos and is a shitty cook

smol bean: hEY

smol bean: i made u cereal the other day be appreciative

tall bean: aLrIgTHt dADDy

joe's: what am i to u, joe ;)

zack's: a burden

joe's: aw :(

b: gOALS

zack's: lmao jkjk ur my daddy

joe's: yAy

take this shitty excuse of a chapter because i didn't want to miss 2 days of updates🌚 -aŁ

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