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pf has a dig bick: guys

pf has a dig bick: i have found more gay

pf has a dig bick: can i please add the gay??

smol bean: hm how many more gay r we talking abt?

pf has a dig bick: two more gay who r in love

smol bean: oOooOo go ahead

pf has a dig bick added joe's.

pf has a dig bick added zack's.

smol bean: hello fellow gay

tall bean: wELcOmE

joe's: lmao what

zack's: hi frens


joe's: if i'm a mother fu cker, joe is mother

smol bean: omg it's another horny fuc kboy

smol bean: hEY MAN WHATS UP

smol bean: hAvE u gOTTeN tHe D rEceNtlY

joe's: nahh i've been dry these few days

smol bean: that's a shame

smol bean: cos i got the d yesterday and he was blindfolded and handcuffed ;;)))

tall bean: .-.

joe's: birthday sex??

smol bean: correct

joe's: when r u gonna get me that for my bday daddy

zack's: when it's ur actual bday, dumbass

im not dead: enough gay chit chat name, pronouns,, age, sexuality and relationship status tyvm

joe's: zack (pokediger1),, he/him, 17, i'm gay af, lmao my bf is in the grp chat

zack's: joe (tofuugaming), he/they, 17,, idk i just have a boyfriend ok

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