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"Uh, was that supposed to be scary?, Kyle said after the movie ended.

"That was a ripoff,  I bet any horror game is better.", I said

"You have a point, Lelo.", Richard said with a smirk.

"What do you mean by that?", Charlene said shakingly.

"I got this awesome game for my birthday, it's called "Beasts of Reality".", he said walking to his room.

We all followed and took seats around his computer.

"What is this game about anyway?", Brian said skeptically.

"I don't know, never heard of it. Apparently it can tell things about you without you adding any information, or something like that.", Richard said.

"Sounds creepy, let's play!", Anya said excitedly.

Richard booted up the game and the first screen that came up had text that read:

"Without Chaos, there's no Control. Without Control, there's no Death. Without Death, there isn't life, and without life, we can't wake up. The owner of this quote, say thy name."

Everyone seemed confused, except me. It was my quote, it was my personal status message on our instant messaging site.

"Wait, isn't that Lelo's quote?", Kyle said.

"Yeah it is...", I said a little creeped out.

"Richard has internet, it's probably coded to search up your name or something.", Brian said still skeptical.

"Yeah, but it's not my computer, my phone isn't even connected to his internet.", I said.

Testing for the truth, I said my name out loud. The screen changed. At this point we were all more than just creeped out. The next screen read:

"Happy Llama, Sad Llama. Mentally disturbed Llama. Big, fat, _, Llama. Owner, fit thy missing word."

"It's the Llama song, Brian.", Anya said also creeped out.

Brian shakingly replied the missing word. "Mama."

The screen changed and a black smoke filled the room. It's suffocating us. Before all of us blacked out, a voice echoed through the room:

"Now you shall feel my pain and past. The feeling of being outcast!"

When I woke up, I slowly sat upright. I woke up in the bathroom in the bathtub. I check for any marks.

"My arm's okay, legs, head, all good. My tail is itching though.", I said to myself.

"Wait, TAIL?!"

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