seventeen / o n e

7 0 0

everyone else | me | him

you were added
+1234567 is added
+1237780 is added
+1230098 is added
him is added
+1239999 is added
+1235645 is added
+1230948 is added

okay guys let's go out
I don't care if you hate me or whatever, we're going out
read 23:55 | read 23:55

i dont want to
read 23:55 | read 23:55

you have to
read 23:55 | read 23:55

I don't
read 23:56 | read 23:59

you do
read 23:56 | read 23:59

fight me
read 23:56 | read 00:14

read 23:57 | read 00:14

read 23:59 | read 00:14

let the games begin!
read 00:00 | read 00:14

because I say so
and that's final
read 00:00 | read 00:14

read 00:00 | read 00:14

read 00:00 | read 00:14

read 00:00 | read 00:14

read 00:01 | read 00:14

okay no arguments, everyone is coming woohoo
read 00:02 | read 00:14

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