Chapter 2

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Another chapter and this one was a bit hard because when I write its like trying to explain the movie thats going on in my head.

So remember so far this is set in victorian era Germany and when I see this house on the inside its kinda like the manor house in the movie the Secret Gardens with lots of tapestries, marble staircases, old bubbled glass in raw iron, and lots of carved wood work.

So enjoy!

I could feel the slight rays of the of the Sun through the curtains as I snuggled down further into the comforter of my bed. Just as I was shrinking into my pillows I hear a knock at my door as my nursemaid Rosemary enters my room.

''Ah, child are you still not up yet, it is almost midmorning''. Said Rosemary as she walked across the room by my bed to open the heavy velvet curtains causing me to groan as the sun shines in to hurt my sleepy eyes. 

Sighing I sit up against the headboard and rub the sleep from my eyes. Rosemary walks to my armoire and pulling out my dressing gown for the day as I tell her good morning. I pull back my dark green comforters as the cold air of my room hits my skin through my chemise causing goose pimples to form on my skin. I pit on my soft leather slippers and white stockings on as she laid out my dark blue dress with the long sleeves and high neck line. 

She turns to me then. ''Get dressed then come down stairs to join your father for breakfast. I believe he has some news to tell you,'' she said and I see a twinkle in her eyes as she leans in and gives my forehead a kiss then heads out the door as Gitta and Annette my maids come in to help me dress and pin up my hair. 

I walk around my four post bed to stand at my windows that look out facing south on the cold march morning as Annette laces up my corset. It's still winter outside and has yet to pass to spring. Big fluffy white snow flakes falling slowly swirling on the wind to land blanketing the earth as I put on my gown so Annette can do up the buttons in the back.

''How would you like your hair done today Miss Alena?'' Gitta asks.

I walk across the room and sit down on the stool in front of my full length standing mirror in the corner of my room

''Oh, surprise me'' I tell her flashing her a quick smile.

I look at her and Annette in the mirror. They had lived in town before they came to work at my fathers manor house a year ago after their mother got ill and they needed money to pay for the doctors visits.  

They are both younger and shorter then I but not by much. As sisters go they looked a lot alike. They both had slightly tan skin with sweetheart faces, shining hazel eyes, and light pink lips. The only major difference was that were as Annette had light brown hair Gitta had had dark honey blond hair. 

I was pulled out of my thoughts as Gitta told me she was done.

I turned my head from side to side in the mirror looking at the intricate braid that was then pinned into a bun at the back of my head. I smiled at her ''it's wonderful,'' thanking Gitta and Annette as I stood up and headed for the door to go down to breakfast.

I walked down the long marble staircases , down the corridor, and into the dinning room. I see my father at the head of the long oak table already engrossed in his meal as I take my seat at the other end of the dinning table.  

Rosemary comes in and serves me up my favorites like scrambled eggs, fried ham and potatoes, and toast with black berry preserve. My eyes wander to the grand marble fire place on the far wall in between to all the tapestries hanging on the walls depicting great stories of the past, watching the flames dance with one another in their own language tangling and twisting higher. 

My eyes trail up to the large portrait of my mother and father hanging above the mantle. It was painted after they were married. I looked at my father then back at the portrait. Even though many years had past he is still the same tall lean handsome man with dark brown hair, strong jaw, strait long nose and heavy brow that hide hid cold stormy blue eyes. 

Looking back at the portrait at my mother as I eat my breakfast. I had never known my mother. She had died giving birth to me, and that was something my father never let me forget or had ever forgiven me for. 

She was so beautiful my mother and I was so happy that my looks took after hers. I had her face with a delicate proud chin, high cheek bones, and almond shaped eyes. We both had skin paler then milk that it was almost see through, long hair the color of dark mahogany wood, and we were both tall, standing at five feet seven inches, but she had eyes the color of violets and I had dark royal blue eyes.


Startled out of my thoughts I look over to seethe servant girl who had dropped the pitcher of mead that was now broken on the floor. 

''What in the Hell do you think you're doing?''! My father yells at the poor servant girl while starring daggers at her. 

''Go and clean up this mess you stupid wench before I give you a good whipping for breaking my pitcher!'' He yells as the girl ran from the room crying to fetch some rags to clean the mess, ''and this is coming out of your wages too''! I look on at my father horror and disgust as he went back to his plate grumbling as he ate. 

My father was a cold greedy power hungry man. As a Baron he had title and lands but he still was not very high on the scale of power and nobility, and as for money we really had none, we were in heavy debt from all his spending. He had even sold almost all of the family jewels, silver, gold, and even skimmed off the servants wages to pay off his debt, though he always went out spending and would caused us to have even more debt. 

Even though he was my father and in some small way I loved him, I could not help but wish  and pray for his down fall, for some righteousness to come from after all his greed and cruelty.

I look up from my plate as he clears his throat drawing my attention. ''I have some important news to tell you Alena,'' he says as I look on at him. 

''In a weeks time you will be marring the Grand Duke Ulrich Von Liechtenstein's nephew Fredrict Hannover II,'' he tells me as my eyes widen in shock and out rage while he just gives an evil smile.

Okay so what do you all think?


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