Chapter 3

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I'm sorry it took so long but i'm happy to say I wasn't doing nothing i've been working on the time line, outfits, cast, and much more now all I have to do is write it all down lol!

I couldn't stand to be anywhere near my father right now. Thinking that I had to get out of here as I walked down the corridors. I was too upset to deal with what my father was telling me.  Not really seeing or hearing what was around me, I felt like I was deep under water looking out on the world as the pressure built making my chest tighten and ache, while my lungs were gasping for air.

I reached the back garden door putting on my black velvet cloak and my white leather gloves as I step out into the cold. Walking down the stone path I headed to the stables, my little sanctuary from life. It was the one place I could go whenever I was upset, needed peace, or freedom. 

I walked into the stables and was quickly greeted by the relaxing scent of fresh hay and horses. I turned to my left to see Leon the stable boy exiting the tack room with a saddle on one arm and a bucket with saddle soap on the other.  ''Good Morning Miss Alena, is there anything I can help you with.'' 

''No thank-you Leon, I just came to visit Freda today,'' I tell him brushing off the snow from my cloak. ''Hold on i'll get your brushes then,'' he says as he carefully  puts down his load and quickly runs back into the tack room.  

He's a cute young lad of ten and six, with short brown hair, bronze colored skin and hazel eyes. I giggled softly to myself at how cute he acts around me, knowing he has a slight crush on me, but he is still innocent to the world and how it works I thought to myself. ''Here you are Miss Alena ,'' he says while handing me a bucket full of brushes and combs for Freda. ''I also put some carrots in that I got from the cook early this morning.'' 

''Thank you Leon,'' I say as I turn, about to walk down the to her stall. ''Let me know if you need anything else Miss Alena i'm always happy to help,'' while a big smile spreads across his face as I tell him I will.

As I walked down my fathers prized pure white Lipizzan war horse, Maximus started kicking the walls as I passed to get to Freda's stall. I smiled brightly as my beautiful white & gray Andalusian popped her head out to great me. ''Hey girl, how are you?'' I ask as I rub her face lovingly as she gave me horsey kisses on my forehead and cheek. ''I bet your day has been better then mine so far?'' She snorts and bobs her head up & down. 

I undid the latch and open up the stall door as I walked in and closed it behind me. ''I have some carrots for you,'' I tell her as I put the bucket down and grabbed a carrot for her. I took off my gloves and stuff them in my pocket as I offered her the carrot with one hand while the other reached up to stroke her dark gray bangs out of her eyes. A wave of happiness and love passed over me as she pushed at my hand with her nuzzle to tell me she wanted another carrot. She was my only real friend that I had when I was growing up and she was always there for me when I needed someone to just listen. Ever since the day I got her when she was just a colt she meant everything to me. I bend down to get her another carrot and a soft brush as I used long loving strokes to groom her neck. 

''Oh Freda, you wont believe what my father did now,'' I said as I brushed down her mane. ''He says I am to marry Fredrict Hannover II. I do not ever like him. He is a pompous peacock!'' I stroke down her shoulder and back. ''All he ever does is flaunt himself around at court with his nose in the air because of how much wealth he has and will get because he will be the next Grand Duke, and he treats women like uses tissues 'need them one minute toss them out the next,' not to mention the fact that the rumor floating around is that he's a pervert!'' As I gave a great huff from all my frustration leaning my head against her soft fur.

 ''It's not fair. I do not want to marry him.'' I tell her as my eyes become watery. I hold back my tears as I walk around to her other side and start brushing again. 

''I want to marry for love, if I am ever lucky enough to find it. I want to marry someone who will treat me as an equal, and take care of me'' I tell her as I start to braid her hair. ''Besides there is so much I have wanted to do before I ever got married,'' and started baring children like a cow would for its milk I thought.' 

''I always secretly wished to maybe see another country or have a little adventure before I ever settled down, even if I didn't travel far it wouldn't matter because it is the people that you meet that make life interesting.'' 

I finished her braid and tied it off with an extra ribbon that I had. Then patted Freda on the head. Now that I was done grooming her I bent down and gave her the last carrot. ''I just don't understand why father is making me marry him of all people,'' I told her after another sigh. Looking into her big black eyes I can see understanding and it made my heart give a little squeeze of love that I had for Freda as I leaned down and gave her a kiss on her head.

Walking out of her stall I closed the door and latched it as I walked back to the entrance to give Leon the bucket of brushes back. ''Leaving already Miss Alena,'' Leon asked from where he was sitting on stool cleaning some bridles. ''Ah yes, and thank you for the carrots she loved them. Where should I put these?'' I asked as I lifted up the bucket. ''You don't have to do that, just set them down here and i'll put them away in a minute,''

'Thank you,' I say while putting down the bucket in front of him. I bid him good day as I put on my gloves again and stepped back out into the cold. 

Walking down the stone steps of the path I take a detour through the gardens before I went back to the house. I looked out on the grounds where all kinds of flowers would be growing if it had not been winter still. I longed for spring to come already. I wanted sunlight and the sweet scent of flower slightly on the breeze. It was cloudy & gray out and it matched my mood perfectly as it felt like the most unpleasant day.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding causing me to see my breath in front of my face as a freezing wind blowed past me, chilling me to the bone while causing me clutch my cloak closer to my body for warmth. Everything and every where I looked was covered in heavy plumes of white snow and I was sick of seeing it. If it had been the beginning of winter I might have been thrilled but as it was march I would be happy to see it leave.  

As I walked closer to the Manor house I looked up, it was a peculiar thing that in the southwestern part of Germany there is an English Dutch style Manor house that I lived in. You see my great, great, great grandfather was from England and was betrothed to my great, great, great, grandmother  who was the daughter of a Baron, and when they got married he had the manor built to remind him of home. It was once grand. It was bigger then most manors and smaller then a castle but I thought my home was perfect, I wouldn't have changed it for anything and I wasn't ready to leave it just yet. 

Reaching the back door I breathed in deeply then let it out, preparing myself for what ever fate waited for me inside.

Yay another chapter done!

Ok, this chapter again i'm setting up the story for the plot but I promise the next chapter with be good. 

Also again not joking when I say this is my first time ever writing. The only other thing I have ever written was a few essays and those are so different. So be patient with me please while i'm learning and forgive any mistakes.

So please, please pretty please Vote if you like it so far and wish for more.

Comment and tell me what you like and what you think will happen next!

Thank you for reading now I'm off to make home made chicken & dumplings. 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2012 ⏰

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