Heartbreaks are worst!!

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It was one of those Wednesday mornings where I would love to serve people my coffee at 'Chocolate Room' , my place where I am a waitress and love to see people gathering around celebrating friendships,love,heartbreaks , yes I have seen people celebrating heartbreaks. I was no longer in my own world when my friend Thea nudged me and squealed..

"Oh my God!! See that hottie that just entered our cafe. He is so alluring, please God make him sit at my booth , so that I can provide him with my services. "

More or less she was just telling this to herself. Curiosity crept inside me and I looked up to see that 'hot' man on which my friend was drooling. Instantly, my eyes fell on the man in blue Armani suit who seemed to be talking angrily on his phone with Rolex watch on his wrist.
Showing off much , aren't we??

Just then , when my friend was about to go to him to take his orders, he sat on one of my booths, much to my and my friend's despair.

"See luck is never on my side. But Catelyn, he is sitting on your booth. Go and ask what he wants and Yaa don't forget to flirt with him." She said with a wink. I rolled my eyes.

" Please Thea. You know very well that I have a boyfriend and I am very loyal to him. Besides these men - " I shrugged " they just know how to show off their money. So I am only going to take his orders and come back. Neither more nor anything less than that."
She just stick out her tongue on me and made a disgusting face.

"Come on Cate. Live a little. You only have a boyfriend not a husband. So it's no harm if you just flirt around a little. There are a lot more hot guys around the world than your stupid boyfriend. Besides, who knows he is loyal to you or not. It's just had been 5 months that you are with him and seriously , believe me you can't judge a man in only 5 months time , especially his loyalty. "

At that I wanted to punch my friend very badly.

"First of all my boyfriend isn't stupid. Second , you don't have any right to speak about him like that. Third and the most important one , he likes me a lot and will never ever leave me. I trust him on this part. " I said raising my voice a little.

"Ok fine. " She said raising her hands in surrender.
"Just go and take the orders. "

I took my notepad and pen and went towards him. He was still talking angrily on the phone.
I waited there for sometime but I guess the talking was getting more and more heated. I cleared my throat and said :

"Sir , order please."

Still no reply. I waited there for 5 minutes, 7 minutes.....
But controlling my anger , I once again asked;

"Sir , order please. "
He just snapped at me covering his phone.

"Are you deaf and blind. Can't you see I am talking on the phone. Don't come here until I call you. " He yelled at me.

Everyone in the cafe was now watching me. I just stomped my feet and walked towards my counter.

I was now fuming with anger. What does he think of himself. Does he think that only he is busy here , we too are.

After sometime he called me to take his orders. I took a few quick breaths to calm myself down and plastered a smile on my face.

"One hazelnut caramello latte and a chicken grilled sandwich. " He ordered me.

" Parcel or you will eat it , Sir. " I asked as politely as I could.

"Parcel it. " Saying it but still busy on his phone.
When I was about to go. He stopped me.

"No scratch that. I would like to eat it now. " he said.

With that I went to make his latte.

I finished his latte about 10 minutes later with a cute heart latte art on it to give it a final touch. Till then his sandwich was also ready. I went ahead to serve him.

I slammed the mug and sandwich on the table and went ahead.
Good, he didn't say anything.

Next it was all the same as the other days.
I closed the cafe at seven in the evening and started to walk towards my house which was only 10 blocks away form my cafe.

I was just randomly roaming my eyes all around when they fell on a cute couple who were kissing under a tree.
It reminded me of Allen and me. We met just 6 months ago.......


I was just sitting on a bench in the park and listening to music when a dog came towards me and started to do merry - go - round around my feet.
Although I am not a big fan of a dogs , but I instantly fell in love with this dog.
When I bent down to pick him/her up, I don't know, the owner of that dog beat me pulled the dog to his chest.

"Sorry, he just slipped out of my hands. "He said sweetly.
I smiled at he politeness.

"Oh, no it's okay. But he is really cute. What's his name. " I asked curiously.

"Brat, his name is Brat". He said while extending one of dog's hands and said to him
"Brat , say hello to Miss--"

"Catelyn , Catelyn Ruiz." I extended my hands and shook hands with Brat.

"Nice to meet you , Brat". I said.

"By the way , I am Allen Williams. Nice to meet you too Catelyn Ruiz. "

Then we just talked about everything to anything and from A to Z.

After exactly one month , he proposed me in the same park. I was too overwhelmed to speak , so I simply nodded to indicate him 'yes'.
Ever since then I had lived a blissful life. The feeling was really nostalgic. I think I am the luckiest girl to have him as my boyfriend.

When I reached my porch , there was a note stating:

"Please check your phone when you enter. "

I quickly opened the door and went inside. I checked my phone and there was voice message from Allen. It says :

"Cate, currently I am with my grandmother in California. You must be thinking that why I didn't tell you? It's because I wanted to tell/ confess you one thing.
Catelyn Ruiz , the past 5 months with you were really blissful and were the best moments of my life. 
But when I think about you, about us I think I need some space , some time to think about us , our future. I know we are in no hurry , but for now I really need some time and space or I would rather say I need a break from you , from us. So I would request you please don't try to contact or call me."

With that it was over. It wasn't just the message which was over , my life , my love , my everything was over. Hot , warm drops of water started to roll down my cheeks. I didn't realise that I was crying. But , why? This was the foremost question that was running in my mind.
At this time I realise 3 important things :

1. We are on a break.

2. 'We are never ever getting back together'. Song of Taylor Swift.

And third and the most important thing...

3. Heartbreaks are worst.

Hey guys. I hope you like my first chapter of my first book. I would be updating soon the next chapter.
If you like my work , then also read my friends collections , THE CHOSEN ONE and FRIENDS FOR HELL.
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