Chapter 2

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Hearing her voice made him return to reality. He couldn't hit the woman he loved, he couldn't hurt her. She was his everything and he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. He already had bought the ring to ask her to marry him. He even carried it with him right now, it was burning in his pocket.

And now this was happening. "Val!" This time it was Jenna saying his name. "You know the consequences!" He did knew the consequences, which was why he hit her the first time. Every muscle in his arm was ready to hit her, but on the other hand he tried everything he could to block it. He looked at Sharna, looking into her beautiful blue eyes for the first time tonight. He could see the question forming in her eyes and he could hear her ask the questions, without the works ever coming from her mouth. "What does she mean by consequences?"

"You have ten more seconds Val. Or I will do it." Sharna heard Jenna say those words and she had no idea what was going on. All she knew was that the consequences were large enough for Val to consider hitting her. She knew he would never hit her. "Do it," Sharna said. Her voice wasn't very loud, but she knew Val could hear her.

Hearing his girlfriend say those words, while she didn't know what was going on pushed Val over the edge and without thinking his arm connected to her face and Sharna fell to the ground once more. This time he didn't stay to his feet, Val immediately went down to knees and sat down besides Sharna. She had covered the side of her face with her hands and tears were streaming down her face. "I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I should have never done this. Can you please forgive me?"

Sharna couldn't speak, she had never thought that Val was capable of hitting her. But the fact that he hit her, only after she had given him permission, she knew the consequences of not doing it would be far worse. Her face was burning and she was sure a large bruise would form, but right now listening to Val saying he was sorry meant more to her. And she would definitely forgive him. But right now, knowing how Jenna commanded Val, she knew she had to act to get out of here. Sharna slowly got up and moved away from Val, sitting against the wall. Tears were still running down her face and she didn't look at Val. Nor did she get closer for comfort, she moved away from him.

Jenna looked at it from a distance. She hadn't heard Sharna when she gave Val permission to hit her. So when Sharna moved away from Val she was smiling inside. She slowly got up from the couch and moved a little closer. "See Val, it wasn't that hard to hit her. And deep inside I know you've always wanted it."

Val listened to Jenna say those things and he didn't want to let her into his head, but there was nothing he could do to stop it. When he looked at Sharna, all he could do was hate himself. He had just hit the most precious thing in the world and how could she ever forgive him. At least he was never going to forgive himself. From the corner of his eye he saw Jenna come closer. But she was still too far away from him to attack her, so he stayed down.

When Sharna heard Jenna say these words, she knew she had to do something. She and Val had been dating for one and a half year now and she knew he would never forgive himself. Those words would stay in his head and he would think about them. Sharna had to show Val that she forgave him and that he shouldn't worry. Even though she knew Jenna would probably react to it. Before Jenna could do something, Sharna moved from her place against the wall to Val and she hugged him.

Val was surprised at first, but then he took her into his arms. She was his baby girl and that gesture was more than words could ever say. She had forgiven him and he should now forgive himself. And the only way he could do that was if he would protect her from now on.

Sharna felt that for one second nothing mattered, for one second it was just the two of them together and nobody in the world existed but them. But than reality hit her and this time quite literally.

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