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A/B Well dollies, I slaved over this chapter during every free minute I had today because I wanted to give all you lovelies two chapters today to say THANK YOU❤️️❤️️❤️️❤️️ for helping this story to reach 1K views! You all are the best!!!😘😘

By the time they arrived at the club, Harley had forced a smile on her face and stepped confidently out of the car, taking the arm that J extended to her. They walked to the VIP room to find Jonny and some other goons standing around and Lisbeth sitting on the sofa, hands clasped together, pale legs crossed at the ankles. He gaze locked on her lap. It was times like this where it really hit Harley what Mistah J saw in her Nursey; she really was a wonderfully obedient little toy.

Lisbeth looked up at that moment, a small smile on her face, which slowly faltered when she noticed the dark red scratches all over Harley's neck. She wanted to check on her but Harley locked eyes with her and mouthed a silent "No." Lisbeth forced the smile back on her face.

"Do you like daddy's club, princess?" Joker said, sitting down next to Lisbeth and throwing an arm around her shoulder.

"It is beautiful," Lisbeth exclaimed. And she really meant it too. The club was a beautiful splash of gold and purple. She felt like she was inside a magical genie's lamp. And the strippers; they were not like Lisbeth imagined; not the rough looking women that she saw on movies. They were all beautiful and glamorous and she felt like an ugly duckling next to them.

"I see you are admiring daddy's ladies." J said with a chuckle.

"Yes, they are all so gorgeous and sexy..." Lisbeth trailed off. Joker brought his mouth to Lisbeth's ear, "Oh, baby girl, I can assure you I enjoyed none of them in bed as much as I enjoyed you."

Lisbeth turned bright red and turned her face quickly, not wanting Mister J to see her embarrassment.

"You are the sexiest one of all, princess. The way you blush, the way your eyes turn away when you are ashamed. The way these little doll dresses accentuate your beautiful figure. All of it drives me insane...well more insane than I already am!" He let out a long laugh, throwing his head back.

At that moment Jonny walked over to J.
"Boss, Dig is here. He would like to come in to say hi."

Joker smiled, "By all means, let the man in!"

Joker stood up as a tall, muscular man with flawless olive skin walked in. His own set of goons walked in on either side of him. Unlike Joker's men though, they were dressed in expensive Italian suits which probably cost more than an average American family makes in a month.

Joker shook the man's hand heartily. Dig was the only Gotham Mob Boss who hadn't screwed him over or pissed him off in the last year so Joker considered him a friend.

"Take a seat!" Joker gestured to the sofa across from where Harley and Lisbeth were, before going and sitting between them.

"Harley Quinn!" Dig exclaimed in a strong Spanish accent, "It is good to see you out on the town again. You look as lovely as ever!"

Harley smiled, "You flatter me, Dig. I hope you have been well; causing as much disaster as ever."

"You know I have!" Dig gave a hearty laugh before he turned his eyes to the quiet girl on J's left.

"And who is this little angel, Mr. J?"

Joker tucked his fingers under Lisbeth's chin forcing her to look at the handsome gangster.

"Be polite, princess. Introduce yourself."

"My name is Lisbeth; Nice to meet you, sir," she said in a tiny voice.

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