Happy Birthday Princess

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Lisbeth stood in front of the mirror, admiring herself in the new dress Daddy had bought her. She felt beautiful in it and it was not often she felt beautiful. She couldn't help but smile as she did her hair in the braids that J seemed to like on her so much.

 She couldn't help but smile as she did her hair in the braids that J seemed to like on her so much

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Maybe this birthday wouldn't be so bad....No! No! She told herself harshly. Do not get your hopes up!!!

She was pulled out of her thoughts by a soft knock on the door. She turned around, a big smile lighting her face. Daddy was the most beautiful man to her but the handsome boy standing at the door was a close second.

"Oh, Hatter.." she breathed out.

"Just Brandon tonight, my lady." He laughed before running a hand through his shaggy hair. "Boss let us dress up a little tonight, get out of  our costumes  for awhile. For your birthday."

Lisbeth walked over to him, gently running her hand over his cheek. "You look so handsome, Brandon. Derek is one lucky man." She said, giving him a gentle kiss on his red-tinged cheek.

Hatter's face spread into a big grin as he put his arms around Lisbeth and picked her up, spinning her around

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Hatter's face spread into a big grin as he put his arms around Lisbeth and picked her up, spinning her around. "You are the beautiful one tonight, birthday girl" he said as Lisbeth let out a giggle of delight.

He set her softly on the floor before extending his arm to her. "Ready, my lady? Boss is downstairs waiting."

Lisbeth nodded and linked her arm with his, letting him escort her out of the room and down the stairs. She let herself smile when she saw J standing at the bottom of the stairs, surrounded by Jonny and his many goons. Many of them she did not recognize out of costume.

J wore a tux and held out a single red rose to her as she walked up to him.

J wore a tux and held out a single red rose to her as she walked up to him

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"Happy Birthday, princess." He murmured wrapping his arm around her waist. "Shall we go, gorgeous?"

Lisbeth nodded eagerly, her heart glowing with all the loving attention she was getting from Mister J. He led her out to his car, opening the passenger door for her and then jumping in the driver's seat and speeding off.

He threw back his head and laughed as they sped through the streets of Gotham. He put his hand on her thigh and kneaded it gently as she smiled with pure joy at him.

They soon arrived at his club and Jonny was waiting to open Lisbeth's door for her. He held out his hand and helped her out, giving her a big smile. "Happy Birthday, my lady."

"Thanks Jonny." She smiled back as he let go of her hand and passed her over to J.

"Right this way, baby girl." He grinned, looping an arm around her waist and leading her to the club door. As the bouncer opened the door, she heard a big "Surprise!!!" boom from hundreds of voices in the club.

Lisbeth squealed in delight as she took in the beautifully decorated club and the smiling faces, who she presumed were J's business partners and associates.

Lisbeth squealed in delight as she took in the beautifully decorated club and the smiling faces, who she presumed were J's business partners and associates

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Lisbeth felt insanely happy as she walked to the VIP lounge on J's arm. People on all sides of her wishing her a happy birthday as she walked by. As she sat down next to J on the soft couch, she saw Jonny in the corner laughing with a beautiful Asian girl. He looked happier than she had seen him before and she figured she must be the dancer he loved. She then looked over to the dance floor of the club and saw Hatter and some other men drinking and laughing.

She then looked up at her Daddy, finding him gazing back down at her with a smile. She was so happy she wanted to cry. Finally, a birthday was going her way.

Just then she heard J's phone ring. He looked at the screen and quickly answered it.

"Yes?...Yes....Finally! Ok!!! We are leaving now. See you in a few hours!" J hung up his phone, a large smile lighting up his face. He whistled over to Jonny who came quickly over followed by a bunch of J's men.

J stood up, roughly pulling Lisbeth to her feet.

"Get the car ready, Jonny. We are going to the airport and heading to Washington State. They have her!!! They finally fucking have her!!"

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