She Needed That High

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Harley busted into Joker's room in the late morning, cursing herself for sleeping in; she had just been so horribly tired and emotionally drained after yesterday.

She was surprised when she saw J just laying on the bed watching TV; Lisbeth nowhere in sight.

Joker grinned when he saw Harley walk in. He shut off the TV and sat up. "Morning sunshine!" He said brightly.

Harley gave him a confused look. "Where's Nursey? Did she wake up?"

"That she did!" Joker said laughing. He stood up and gently pulled Harley over to the bed to sit next to him. "Her mind was all messed up, you know? So Daddy J sent her for a little TLC. She will be back later so don't worry your pretty little head about it!"

"What do you mean TLC, Mistah J??" Harley said wearily, "Where did you send her?"

"Harley," Joker said, turning serious. He put a hand gently on her shoulder. "She is somewhere where she needs to be for awhile. She agreed. She will be back before you know it."

Harley didn't believe any of the bullshit that J was spewing but she knew that when J was in one of his "good" moods like this, it was good to play along. She gave him a small nod and a little smile.

"Promise she's coming back soon, Puddin?"

"I promise." J said, smiling again. "Now, you had a difficult day yesterday. But you did wonderfully being little Nursey's nurse. You deserve a little TLC yourself." He leaned over and gave her a soft kiss on the lips. Harley knew this wasn't right; it wasn't what she wanted or needed but J was like a bad habit. It just felt so comfortable and good at the time, even though she would regret it later. She let her lips melt into his. She put her hands to his shirtless chest. As much as she hated him most of the time these days, she couldn't deny he was a gorgeous man.

Joker gently pushed her down so she was laying in the mountain of pillows. He got on top of her and met her mouth with his again. He slowly kissed down her neck until he reached her shirt. He pulled it over her head and kissed down her chest.

Harley closed her eyes; Joker was rarely this gentle and when he was it usually meant he wanted something. She tried to push these thoughts away and just enjoy the moment. Joker; her heroin. He was right, it had been a long night and she needed that high, something to make her forget all the pain.

She let out a small moan as J nipped at her chest, alternating between rough bites and gentle kisses. He knew exactly how to make her body respond. She gently arched her back and let out a whispered, "J." He looked up at her with a small grin before he licked down her stomach; he slowly unbuttoned her pants, pulling them down, followed by her underwear.

Harley let out a small sigh when she felt J kissing and licking up her thighs. She tangled her hands in his bright green hair, gently tugging, eliciting a small growl from him.

J brought his mouth between Harley's legs feeling her shudder as she felt his warm breath on her center. She brought his tongue out, licking up and down. Harley moaned softly, leaning her head back on the pillows.

J started working his tongue around her clit while he put two fingers inside of her, moving them in and out slowly at first, but faster when he heard Harley's breath quicken and her moans of pleasure get louder.

"Oh god, J!" She panted out as she felt the knot of pleasure in her stomach start to grow, "That feels so good...please...please...faster.

Joker swirled his tongue while his fingers pumped faster and harder. He could feel her back start to arch and her hands gripped his hair tighter.

Harley felt her release building, "Mistah J....Don't stop....faster...please," she moaned, "I am going to cum!"

Harley arched her back off the bed as her release swept over her. "J!!!!" She yelled out as he kept licking her sensitive spot as she rode out her orgasm.

As her back fell back on the bed and her breathing slowed, J came up and laid next to her on the pillow, giving her a big grin.

"How was that for TLC, baby?" He laughed.

Harley just smiled. She couldn't deny it, J had an amazing tongue and it all felt so good, but now that the orgasm had died away, she was left with a dirty, guilty feeling in the pit of her stomach.

Luckily, Frost knocked on the door, telling J that the goons were ready for their morning meeting. Harley got dressed quickly and left Mistah J with a kiss before heading back to her bedroom.

Once Harley got back to her room, she couldn't stop pacing. She knew Mistah J had a soft spot for Nursey but nothing stops Mistah J when he thinks he has been wronged. She knew she shouldn't have left him alone with her last night. She needed help and she knew exactly who to get it from.

Harley went down to the kitchen and grabbed an apple; sitting on the counter, she waited for the meeting to finish and the men to come filing in; which they did, right on time.

"Mistah J!" She called when she saw him enter the room.

"What is it Harls? We are kind of busy today." He replied in a distracted voice.

"I wanna give my guns a good cleaning today," she said laughing. J gave a small smile, happy to see a glimpse of crazy clown girl Harley once was. "Do you have a man you can spare?"

"Sure," J said looking around the room, "Hatter! You're with the queen today.

"Yes, sir!" Hatter replied, walking over to Harley. Harley inwardly smiled. She had counted on J's newfound trust of Hatter to
assign him.

Harley jumped off the counter and beckoned to Hatter. "Weapon room now, lil' Frosty.

He followed her silently down to the basement and watched Harley cautiously as she slammed the door behind them and turned sharply to him, backing him against the wall.

"Nursey. What do you know about where she is?"

Hatter shook his head sadly. "I just heard in the morning briefing that she woke up and is taking a 'rest' somewhere. But the way Boss said it, it sounds like she is still somewhere in the house. We have to find her; I am worried."

Harley laughed coldly, "I knew I could count on you to risk your own neck to save the girl you want to sleep with!"

Hatter's face turned red and he looked at Harley with a glare, "With all due respect, Ms. Harley, that is not why I want to save her. I actually have no interest in her...that way. Yes, I care about her; she reminds me of my old best friend, she slit her wrists last year; and unlike Lisbeth, she succeeded."

Harley looked down at the young goon and nodded her head. "Ok, Hatter, my bad. I am sorry. But whatever the reason, you are going to get yourself killed if you aren't careful."

Hatter looked at her sadly. "You too Ms. Harley." He said quietly.

Harley just laughed. "Then we are in agreement, kid."

Harley and Hatter looked at each other for a second before Harley shook her head frustrated. "This house has so many secrets that only J knows and he is going to be especially cautious of his secrets today." Harley looked back at Hatter, his eyes mirroring the sadness she felt. "We are not going to find her until J wants her to be found."

"What can we do, Ms. Harley?"

"Just keep Mistah J in a good mood and hope for the best."

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