The Kingdom of Brunidein

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The Brunidinians were the second group of humans to land on Valtakunta, with their ancestors coming here during the Second Age. They hail from the Land of Uomini and are a very hardy group. All present-day Brunidinians are descendants of the 178 survivors, though the royal family are all direct blood decedents of the first ruler of Men, Ayı Kalp (pronounced Ai-yee Kahlp) (covered in the Book of Origin). Most Brunidinians are farmers, miners, blacksmiths, or dressmakers. The richer citizens and people of the Royal Court have the more luxurious choices of teaching, being an advisor, being a personal guard to the King, being a Keep guard, commanding leading troops in the Royal Military, or simply lounging around.

The Brunidinians speak the language of Ihminenkieli (Ih-min-en-ki-elly) which is the language of Men. There are many dialects of Ihminenkieli, but the most spoken are English, Italian, and Finnish. English and Italian are used as the Common Tongues since they have many similarities between them. Royalty and people of high governmental status use Finnish as the High Speech since it is much more difficult than English and Italian. Most of the citizens are bilingual, but all of the royal family is multilingual due to learning Finnish.

The Brunidinans are well versed in battle and fight in squadrons of ten. Their style of fighting has been passed down from their ancestors, and their technique is to surround and ambush their enemies, usually baiting them with prisoners or with actors that pretend to be in trouble, so that their enemies will try to help them but end up being killed by soldiers hiding around them. On an open field of battle, they have chargers who break the first line of their opponent's defense, with the King leading the attack.


The Kingdom of Brunidein reigns from the Northeast Huon Planes to the Western Waters from where they first came (covered in the Book of Origin). The Northern Border ends at the Hiilikaivos, the famous mine that still stands (covered in the Book of Origin). Saelmere Keep is located in the heart of the capital city of Brunidein, and the Keep is a group of three pearly, white marble towers that are reminiscent of an age long ago.

Saelmere Keep Hierarchy Overview


Palace Teachers


Lords and Ladies of the Royal Court


Royal Family

The current King is Enfin Sunder, a corrupt man who loves battle, money, and glory more than his own citizens and son, Prince Kumo. King Enfin wants to take over the Draquinion Empire and make it the Sunder Empire, but Righello Hrafn has refused, leading to tension and war brewing between Men and Draquois. The Brunidinians and Draquois used to have meetings every full moon at the edge of the Mada Doku Forest, where a temporary truce would be held as the leaders of both powers would discuss important information. But now, those meetings have become more closed due to the grudges between the Draquois and Brunidinians.

Prince Kumo, the only child of King Enfin, is next in line to be King. Unlike his father, Kumo wants what is best for his people, and thinks that aligning themselves with the Draquinion Empire would be a smart move, even if he has only seen glimpses of the Draquois from passing. However, his father believes otherwise, saying that since Hrafn Sukaishika has no daughters to give in marriage to seal the deal, he won't allow it. Not to mention that the Draquois are, as King Enfin says, "A bunch of savage monstrosities that steal our wealth, women, and glory. Even if that monster Hrafn had any daughters, I would not let you marry those filthy half-bloods. That species is not to be held in high regard, even though I have to see them once a month." Prince Kumo hasn't been to a truce meeting to see the Draquinion Empire yet, nor has he ever even had a conversation with one, so he desperately wants to meet a Draquois one day. The Hunter's Moon meeting is when he will go for the first time.

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