I: Kumo

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Hunter's Moon

"Prince Sunder, it's time for you to get up, or else you'll miss the meeting." A deep voice interrupted my dreaming. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes as I sat up on my soft bed.

"Meeting? What meeting?" I yawned, brushing my hair out of my face.

"The Truce meeting, your grace. It is today. In two hours, to be exact. But if you so wish, I can inform the King that you do not want to go." The voice said again, this time with a slight chuckle. That woke me up fully.

"Three hours?! Älvasten, why did you not say something sooner? I have to get ready!" I jumped out of bed and ran past my butler to the closet, sifting through my outfits, trying to find something suitable.

"If I may speak, your highness, there is a set of clothing already picked for your visit to Palaveri Mielenrauha." He said behind me. I turned to see him holding out a long, white tunic with gold trim. With it was a pair of gray leggings and a black, white trimmed cloak and black leather boots.

"Ah, thank you, Älvasten. Please tell my father that I will be down shortly." I said, taking the clothes from him. Älvasten bowed slightly and left, closing my door with a soft click.

   Hurriedly, I changed clothes and made my bed. When I was done, I opened my door and set off down the well-lit hall that led to the throne room.

Two hours left until my first Truce meeting! Even though father says that It's horrible to go to and quite annoying, this might be one of my only chances to talk to someone other than Älvasten! I wonder, will there be other kids there besides me? Maybe I could make some friends if there are, I've never had any that were my age. There isn't anyone worth talking to besides Älvasten in this stupid castle, anyway...

My thoughts were broken by a loud, rough laugh that sounded like sandpaper. It was coming from a set of golden doors up ahead. The doors that led to the throne room. Sounds like my dad is already here. Oh well, here goes nothing.

Sighing, I walked up to one of the doors and pushed it. The heavy door groaned and opened reluctantly. I stepped inside, just before the doors shut with a loud, echoing rumble.

The throne room was a long, rectangular hall with columns that supported its beautiful, painted roof. Murals made of stained glass were inlaid in the floor, creating floral and abstract patterns.

At the end of the hall stood a magnificently bejeweled throne, covered in so many precious gems and stones that it was almost blinding. It was the centerpiece of the room, and it demanded attention and respect whenever you saw it.

Another thing that demanded attention and respect was, sadly, my father, King Enfin Sunder. Despite my loud entrance, he didn't even look away from the conversation that he was having with a few of his advisers. I stood behind them, quietly, waiting for them to take notice of me. It wasn't until my stomach grumbled that my father finally saw me.

"Hmmph. How long have you been standing there, boy?" He asked gruffly. No, "Hey son, did you sleep well?" or "Well, you sound hungry! How about some breakfast, eh?" A+ parenting, dad.

"I've been standing here for about 25 minutes, your Majesty," I replied, shifting from one foot to another. Yeah, he makes me call him 'your majesty'. He looked me up and down for a second, then grunted.

"Guess that'll do." He turned back to his men. "Alright! We'll be head'n out now, so get to your carriages! Dismissed!" He ordered, and with a chorus of "Yes, your Majesty!", the advisers left the throne room, their robes flapping behind them. My father waved for me to follow him down to the Royal Carriage, which stood just outside in the courtyard.

"Well, c'mon then." I trailed after him. Today was the day of my first Truce Meeting. I hope it's better than how my day has been so far.

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