III: Palaveri Mielenrauha

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    Kumo's butt hurt from sitting for so long in the Royal Carriage. An hour, if he wanted to be exact. Though he forgot about most of the pain by looking out the window next to him.

   At first, the view was of bustling people selling, buying, and relaxing in the city surrounding Saelmere Keep, Brunidein.

   After they passed the city gates, the carriage traveled Southeast through the farmlands, where it was mostly chickens, cows, pigs, and sheep grazing, along with the occasional farmer preparing for winter.

   Then they passed the Hiilikaivos, the oldest mine that stood as a monument to history. It was so large that Kumo couldn't see the other side of it, it just looked like a cliff that dropped into nothing.

   Finally, after some more wilderness, the carriage came to a stop in front of a line of thick, shadowy trees that gave Kumo chills down his spine. This must be the Mada Doku Forest, but where is the Palaveri Mielenrauha? Isn't it supposed to be in front of the trees? He thought, confused, as a chauffeur opened his carriage door and helped him out.

   Thanking the woman, Kumo took in his surroundings. There was an empty expanse of fields all around him, the grass rippling in the breeze. Straight ahead laid the forest.

   A huff of annoyance behind him made Kumo turn. It was his dad, and the expression on his face was one of impatience.

   "So the brutes aren't here yet, hmm? Makin' us wait for them, that's what I call shovin' their all-powerfulness in our faces." He grumbled in his raspy voice.

   "What do you mean, your Majesty?" Kumo asked, curious.

   "Well, the Palaveri Mielenrauha is there, a'right. It's just invisible until right before those Draquois get here. So for now, we'll just have to wait, boy." The king explained gruffly.

   Kumo nodded and looked above the dark treetops, wondering when the legendary Draquois would arrive.


   Erinn's wings were starting to ache from the constant flying with no breaks. Even though he used as many thermal updrafts as he could to glide along, he was still a bit tired. The flying formation of the Torden did help, though, since it left him more air to manipulate with his wings.

   His father led the Torden, with Erinn flanking to his right and Nylez to the left. The advisors spread out behind them in a checkerboard pattern, effectively covering all potential spaces from harm as they flew over the Mada Doku Forest.

   "Hey, Ada? Do you know if there will be anyone else our age?" Erinn asked, adjusting his altitude to match his father's.

   "Hmm... there is a boy just a few months younger than you. Kumo, I believe is his name." Righello Hrafn glanced at his son as he spoke.

   Erinn nodded and they continued on, the trees blurring beneath them in different shades of green and black until Erinn could make out the edge of the forest.

   Where is the Palaveri Mielenrauha? He thought, squinting his eyes in confusion.

   Glancing at Nylez, he saw that his brother was also puzzled, and they shared a look that said, What is going on?

   Then Erinn heard his father command in Namato, "Come out, so that all can see you."

   With a flash of sapphire-blue light, accompanied by a deep rumble, a magnificent gazebo unveiled itself.

   It had a shiny obsidian floor with what looked like dead tree stumps arranged in a circle around a large marble table. In the middle of the table was a depression, and inside that depression was a well-lit fire. The Palaveri Mielenrauha was truly a sight to behold.

  Clustered nearby the Palaveri were a dozen human figures, with most wearing a red uniform.

Humans! Real humans! Erinn wondered.

   Erinn and Nylez's father gave the signal to descend, and down the Torden dove.

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