IV: Meeting the Other Side

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   A sudden flash of burning blue light to my right blinded me. Shielding my eyes with my black hood, I backed up a few feet as a deafening rumble resonated from the air.

   The Palaveri! It must be turning visible! Which means that the Draquois are here! I'll get to meet some for the first time! Excitement rushed through me as the aqua light blinked out, as quick as snuffing a candle.

   Lifting the hood off my head, I gasped at the sight before me. A gazebo as large as the Main Square in Brunidein stretched before me. The floor was made of glossy obsidian, so dark that it looked as if a piece of the night sky had fallen to the earth. Columns as tall as the forest nearby and as white as fresh snow towered above me, giving off a feeling of strength and beauty.

   Inside, dead tree stumps surrounded a large round marble table, the center of the Palaveri Mielenrauha. A great fire, blazing a brilliant cobalt blue, crackled a welcome in a built-in fire pit in the center of the table.

Caught up in the sheer awesomeness of it, I forgot about the Draquois until I heard footsteps and unfamiliar voices speaking unfamiliar words.

   Tearing my gaze away from the Palaveri, I looked behind me to see a few Draquois some ways off. They had arrived!

   The leader of the group of Draquois was of a tall, lithe build. He had straight, silver hair that was pulled back into a slender ponytail reaching his waist. Two great, royal purple wings folded at his sides elegantly, along with two smooth, slightly curved horns resting majestically atop his head, his deep purple eyes glittering with intelligence. His muscular tail trailed on the lush grass, rustling as he bowed slightly to my father.

   "King Enfin Sunder." He greeted in perfect English. His voice was deeper and richer than I had expected.

   My father nodded back tensely. "Hrafn Sukaishika." He said gruffly.

   So, this is the savage Hrafn? He doesn't look like a monster to me. Rooted in place by wonder, I was jolted out of thought by one of my father's advisors, who tugged me on the arm and gestured for me to go towards the group of Draquois.

   Oh no, do I have to introduce myself? Crap, I'm not good at this. I wish Älvasten was here, he'd know how to handle this.

   My father looked back, saw me, and waved his hand, saying, "This is Prince Kumo of Brunidein. Turned fifteen just in time for this month's meeting."

   Hrafn looked at me curiously.

   "Greetings, Prince Kumo. I hope you are well?" Hrafn asked, his eyes seemed to see right through me.

   "Uh, h-hi, Mr. Sukaishika. I'm doing good, thank you..." I stuttered nervously, unsure of what to say.

   My father gave me a disapproving look as the rest of the Draquois chirred at me.

   Hrafn raised an eyebrow, a twinkle in his eye. "Mister? Hmm.... Well, it was a pleasure meeting you, Prince Kumo." He bowed to me, a small smile on his lips. I awkwardly bowed back, which sent another ripple of chirrs throughout the small assembly behind him.

   I messed up somehow, didn't I? Was mister the wrong title to call him? I berated myself, pulling my hood back up to shield my blushing face from their gazes.

   "Anyway, I'd like to introduce you all to my sons. They are also here for their first Truce meeting." Hrafn announced.

   I peeked out from under my hood, curious as to what they looked like.

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