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 You woke up on a beach with sand in your mouth and all throughout your (h/l) (h/c) hair. You stood up dusted the sand off of your gray tank top and jean shorts. You looked around you, squinting because of the bright sun. About 20 strides in front of you was a dense forest.

Suddenly, you heard howling. It didn't sound like animals but... boys? You watched as teenage boys ran out toward you from the jungle. You took a few steps back until your feet touched the water. The boys stopped a few feet away from you. One boy stepped through the crowd and confronted you.

"Who the hell am I and who are you?" you demanded. The boy laughed.

"You're in Neverland, love," the boy said.

"Neverland..." you repeated quietly. "Does that mean you're-"

"Peter Pan? Yes," he said. You looked at him suspiciously. "What's your name?"

"(y/n). Why am I here?" you asked cautiously.

"Because you didn't belong in reality, (y/n). You were lost," he explained. You couldn't argue with that. You definitely felt lost in the real world. "Come on. Let's get you settle in."

Once you arrived at the camp, the boys showed you your tent and allowed you to reside there for the rest of the day.

The next morning, Peter Pan woke you up early and explained that you were to start your training today.

"Felix will show you how to use a bow and arrow," he said. You smirked. You knew damn well how to use a bow and arrow and you were amazing at it. He took you to the training grounds where you met your instructor.

Felix handed you a boy and arrow and began explaining how to hold the bow. While he was busy doing that, you aimed at a tree a little ways away and let your arrow go. You hit the middle of the tree with ease.

Felix stopped explaining when he heard the sound of the arrow hitting the tree. He looked up in shock at the tree, then at you. Everyone around you was shocked as well, including Peter Pan.

"Well, well, well," Pan said walking up to you and putting a hand on your shoulder. "I underestimated you, (y/n)." He looked at Felix, who was still in shock. "Looks like she doesn't need as much training as we thought." 

The Adventures of Y/N and Evi (Felix x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now