One Wish

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Everyone on Neverland who planned to stay there got one wish—anything they wanted. Some wished for a cool gadget. Others just wanted some chocolate cake. The person could wish for anything they wanted, whenever they wanted, but only once.

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You sat beside your best friend as she scrolled through her phone, occasionally giggling at a meme, maybe showing it to you if she thought you'd appreciate it. When you weren't trying to read the small print on her phone in her shaky hand, you were reading your book on your kindle.

You and Evi had gotten similar things from your wishes, although you had made very different wishes. Evi wanted to keep up with the latest memes, so she wished for a way to look at Reddit while on Neverland. She was gifted a phone that only went on Reddit and, thanks to magic, had WiFi. You wished for an unlimited supply of books to keep you busy. You received a Kindle with every single book in existence downloaded onto it.

"Girls!" Pan called out, causing the both of you to look up. "You've been spending too much time on your... machines. You need to do something else."

"Ok boomer," Evi said blankly without looking up from her phone. Pan looked straight ahead, his lips pressed together firmly as he took a deep breath before looking at you.

"Are you sure I can't kill her?" he asked. The only reason that girl was alive was because you cherished her as a friend and Pan liked and respected you.

"Please don't," you begged. He sighed.

"I won't, but one of these days, I'm not going to able to control myself," he warned. "Now go do some training or something." He turned and walked away.

"I'm gonna go bother Cooper," Evi said, stuffing her phone in her pocket and standing up from the log they had been sitting on.

"Don't make him lose his mind, please," you said.

"I won't," she said, then paused and tilted her head. "Eh, well, no promises." She continued across the camp. You sighed and shook your head, a small smile on your face.

You stayed in your spot on the log, observing the others around the camp, wondering what you should do before the sun went down and you prepared for the bonfire planned tonight.

"Mind if I join you?" a familiar voice asked. You hummed in response. Felix sat down next to you. "What have you been up to today?"

"Reading," you said, glancing at him briefly as you answered. Felix nodded, but you had already turned away again. There was a short silence. "What about you?"

"Oh, the usual. Being out on the lookout for pirates or any other unwanted visitors," he told you.

"Anything exciting happen?" you wondered.

"Nah," he said. More silence followed.

"Felix," you asked suddenly, desperate to break the quietness that had settled around you two. He looked over at you. You scoured your brain for a question, but couldn't think of anything. Felix raised an eyebrow as you just continued to stare at him, your mouth slightly agape.

"What was your wish?" you blurted out. You blushed and straightened up, scratching the back of your head awkwardly. "Er... did you ever make a wish?"

"Yeah, I did," Felix said quietly. "A while, but not too long ago."

"What did you wish for?" you asked curiously.

"Someone to love," Felix answered, looking up at the sky.

"And... what did you get?" you wondered. He smiled.


The Adventures of Y/N and Evi (Felix x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now