Left Behind

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A sharp grin grew on your face as you gazed out at the battle in front of you. A group of pirates had snuck onto Neverland while Peter Pan was distracted, though he wouldn't admit what had distracted him. As always, you were told to stay behind, but this time you weren't going to listen.

You watched your friends battle. Deming was at the edge of the battlefield with his bow and arrows. Evi was more near the center with a sword. Devan was nearby using a spear. And Felix was bashing pirate heads with his club.

You hadn't had much training, but you knew the basics to using a spear, so you took one when you snuck after the Lost Boys on their way to fight the pirates.

You spotted a pirate sneaking up on Evi and knew it was your perfect opportunity to prove your worth in battle. You sprung out of your hiding place and ran towards the sneaking pirate. As you jumped in front of Evi to protect her, you felt a sharp pain in your arm, then heard a gasp.

"Y/N?!" Evi shouted in surprise and horror. The pirate from before lunged at you, but Evi blocked the attack. You grabbed your arm in pain.

"Oi, Beanstalk!" Evi called out, briefly glancing behind her at Felix, who had just chased off another pirate. Once she caught his attention, she nodded towards you. "Get her out of here!"

"Wait, no—" you began, but were swiftly cut off when two strong arms scooped you up. "Stop! Let me go!"

"Y/N, you idiot," Felix muttered as he slowed his pace. You tried to squirm out of his arms but he didn't let you.

"Felix," you whined.

"What the hell were you thinking?" he demanded. You huffed and crossed your arms. Your left arm felt wet and you glanced at it, realizing it was covered in blood.

"Uh, Felix... Please don't get angrier, but..." you began. Felix looked down and his eyes widened. He swiftly set you down and ripper off part of his cloak. He wrapped it tightly around your bleeding arm.

"I'm sorry," you offered as he did this.

"You're crazy," he said.

"I just... I'm tired of being left behind," you said, standing up on your own before he could pick you up again. You continued towards camp. "I wish you could would see me like you see everyone else."

"But, Y/N, you're not like everyone else," Felix argued.

"Why? Is it because I'm a girl? Because Evi is a girl and she—"

"Eviah knows how to fight already," he pointed out, saying the girl's name as if it were poison in his mouth. You groaned in frustration."

"Then what is it?" you wondered. "I grew up in reality just like over half of the boys here, so why am I treated differently? Why can't I fight?"

"You... have no experience," Felix said.

"Again, like over half of the people here when they first came to Neverland," you pointed out, growing very impatient. "Just tell me why! You're acting like you're trying to keep some big secret, but you just need to—"

"Because I cant lose you, Y/N!" Felix shouted suddenly. You jumped a little in surprise of his sudden outburst.

"Felix... what do you mean?"

"If we lost Hunter, I'd be upset. If we lost Cooper, I would be sad. If we lost Evi, well, frankly, I wouldn't really care, but if I lost you..." He took a deep breath as if holding back tears. "I'd be devastated. I don't... I don't think I could go on."

"Felix..." you said almost breathlessly.

"Y/N! Are you okay?" Michael asked, running up to you. You hadn't noticed you had made it back to camp. "Come here, let me fix up your arm." He guided you away from Felix towards the medical tent, a completely dumbfounded look on your face.

~ ~ ~

Felix looked up from where he sat alone on a log when he heard voices approaching camp. The Lost Boys returned, all breathless and slightly cut up. They all seemed to be smiling, except Evi, who rushed up to Felix as soon as she saw him.

"Is Y/N okay?" she asked, grabbing his shoulders with wide gray eyes. "Oh, I feel so bad for accidentally striking her. I'm the worst friend ever!" She plopped down next to Felix and put her head in her hands.

"Wait, you struck her?" Felix asked.

"Aye, but only because she came out of nowhere and I thought she was a pirate sneaking up on me," she defended.

~ ~ ~

As soon as Michael gave you the okay, you marcher out of the medical tent, grabbed a spear, and found Devan.

"Teach me how to fight," you demanded, so Felix wouldn't have to worry about your safety any longer.

~ ~ ~

A/N: I suck at endings lmao

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