The Spirit of Neverland

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This is an excerpt of the full version of the Frozen 2 AU that I talked about briefly before that I am going to write for my own enjoyment and possibly yours (you'll be in it as Anna, Felix as Kristoff). It will be a seperate book, so if you aren't into it, no worries. There will also still be updates on here. I recommend watching the video (basically me covering the song with some revisions to the words), then reading. If you watch and read and comment, I will love you forever.

~ ~ ~

Ah ah, ah ah~

Evi's grayish blue eyes popped open as the mysterious call passed over the camp and penetrated her ears. She let out a very frustrated sigh and turned onto her side, shutting her eyes again like it was an act of rebellion, defiance towards whoever had been harassing her these last few weeks. The call persisted, however, so she grabbed her pillow and put it over her ear. The voice still sang as clear as before. Perhaps it was because of her other ear being exposed, since she slept in a rope hammock. Nevertheless, she sat up, too suddenly and tipped her hammock over. She landed on the ground with a soft "oof."

She growled and stood up, brushing the dirt off her brown khakis. She tried to take a step forward, buy her leg was caught on her blanket, which had also fallen out of the hammock, so she topped over once more. She pouted and pushed herself back up again.

Ah ah, ah ah~

Evi narrowed her eyes and continued to pout as she left camp.

Ah ah, ah ah~

Ah ah, ah ah~

"I can hear you," she said aloud, hoping whoever was doing this would hear. She then realized that might only encourage them, so she added, "but I won't." She lifted her chin confidently. Whoever this siren-like creature was must not have known of Evi's life as a pirate before Neverland. Captain Hockley had taught her how to resist the lure of a siren.

"Some look for trouble, while others don't." She had grown up learning to always follow her captain's orders. Granted, she didn't follow this very well with her new leader, Peter Pan, but she still considered herself fairly well-behaved.

"There's a thousand reasons I should go bout my day," she sang as she bent down and started collecting branches for the fore that would allow you to make breakfast, "and ignore your whispers, which I wish would go away, ohh." She looked down and frowned when the call returned. "Oh, oh." Again, the call. She placed a basket down and threw her sticks in.

"You're not a voice. You're just a ringing in my ear," she insisted, flipping her hair out of her face. "And if I heard you, which I don't, I'm spoken for, I fear." She picked up a few more sticks and threw them into the basket.

Through the trees she could see you in the distance, just starting to wake yourself up. She watched as Hunter snuck up from behind you and grabbed your shoulders, making you jump and screech. Hunter burst out laughing as you crossed your arms and glared at him. A small smile tugged at Evi's lips.

"Everyone I've ever loved is here on this island," she reminded herself. "I'm sorry secret siren, but your calling has to end. I've had my adventure. I don't need something new. I'm afraid of what I'm risking if I follow you..." Evi stopped as she found herself at the edge of the forest, looking out at the sea. She felt a tug on her heart as she recalled the days she spent exploring that vast, endless ocean with her father.

"Into the unknown." She set the basket down and walked out onto the beach. "Into the unknown." A wide grin grew on her face as she neared the ocean. "Into the unknown!" As she felt the water encircle her ankles, a shiver ran down her spine. She spread her arms out and closed her eyes, taking in the sweet scent of the sea.

Ah ah, ah ah~

Evi quickly opened her eyes as the siren call brought her back to reality... er, Neverland. She pulled her arms into herself and glanced around her, relieved to see no one watching her. How could she be so careless? What if Peter had seen her, heard her belting about wanting to leave the island. He would not be happy to hear that. Or worse, what if you had heard? Would you be mad she wanted to leave? You might question why she had a pull to the sea and Evi would have to explain her past, something she definitely didn't want to do.

Ah ah, ah ah~

Evi sighed and turned away from the sea. Wait, how could she feel the water? She looked down and realized she had been so distracted by the call that she had forgotten to put her boots on. She slapped her forehead at her own stupidity and started heading back to camp.

~ ~ ~

"Good morning, Y/N," Peter Pan greeted as he stepped into camp. You glanced up at him and smiled.

"Morning, Pan," you said. "Have you seen Evi? She hasn't dropped off the wood she usually gives me to make a fire for breakfast."

"She hasn't?" Pan repeated, worry creeping into his expression. "I'll go look for her. For now, just use some of the firewood we use for the bonfires." You nodded and turned away to do just that. Pan turned the other way and relief flooded into him when he spotted Evi by her hammock, putting on her shoes.

He started to walk over to her, but paused when he saw the alarmed and slightly annoyed look on her face. She glanced around as if searching for something, then took off into the woods at a rather fast walking pace. Pan, of course, followed her.

Evi eventually slowed her speed and took a few deep breaths. Just as she seemed to calm down, something seemed to startle her, and that anxious look returned. Pan opened his mouth to call out to her, but she spoke first, but seemingly not to him.

"What do you want?" she asked to seemingly no one. She started to walk forward again. "'Cause you've been keeping me awake. Are you here to distract me, so I make a big mistake."

She stopped again next to a small pond. It was then that Pan realized just how far from camp they had gone. In fact, they were getting dangerously close to...

"Or are you someone out there who's a little bit like me?" Evi sang with a sad yet curious tone as she gazed at her reflection in the stagnant water. "Who knows deep down... I'm not where I'm meant to be."

Pan swore he felt his heart stop at those awful, awful words. How could Evi say that? How could she even think for a second that she belonged anywhere but here, on this island, with him... and all the other Lost Boy, of course. Not just him. Obviously.

He didn't have time to dwell on his anger and hurt for long, though, as Evi soon continued. "Every day's a little harder, as I feel your power grow..."

A small pink sparkle flew near Evi's ear. She jumped back and watched it zip through the air. She then noticed a yellow one, and a green one too! These two were pushing her back, urging her forward. Evi then realized she was at the edge of Pixie Woods, a place Pan had forbidden anyone to go but himself. "Don't you know there's part of me that longs to go..."

"Into the unknown." Evi stepped forwards, officially entering Pixie Woods. She felt a jitter of excitement flow through her body as she stepped into new territory. "Into the unknown." Her eyes lit up in wonder and amazement as the forest came alive around her with twinkling lights and small flying creatures. "Into the unknown!"

Evi wasn't the only one stunned by what she saw. Pan had never seen this before. At least, not in a long, long time. After all, fairies disappeared from Neverland years ago.

Ah ah, ah ah~

Ah ah, ah ah~

"Oh, oh, oh! Are you out there? Do you know me? Can you feel me? Can you show me?" Evi belted. "Ah ah, ah ah!"

Ah ah, ah ah~

"Ah ah, ah ah!"

Ah ah, ah ah~

"Ah ah, ah ah! Ah ah, ah ah! Ah ah, ah ah! Ah ah, ahhh!" Evi and the mysterious voice sang in unison. Suddenly, the fairies darted away. Evi ran after them.

"Where are you going? Don't leave me alone!" Evi pleaded as the fairies led her back onto the beach. "How do I follow you..." Evi stopped at the edge of the sea. "Into the unknown!"


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2020 ⏰

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