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Bennet followed his friend out of The Stubborn Mule, sorry to leave behind the beautiful Saria, but Jasper showing up had piqued his curiosity. A tavern was not somewhere the lieutenant would normally ever be seen, preferring to spend his time on more intellectually stimulating activities, so Jasper must have had good reason for coming to get him at the Mule. Taverns weren't normally Bennet's first choice in dining either, but he couldn't take another evening in his stuffy tent doing nothing, so he had accepted the offer of a few of the more disciplined soldiers to go out for a couple rounds of drinks. It had been refreshing, and once again bumping into the quick-tempered Saria had been delightful. Bennet grinned to himself at the thought of her. He saw Jasper on the edge of the main road right outside of the company's camp and sauntered up to him.

"At your service, Lieutenant West," said Bennet, bowing as he teased his friend. Jasper rolled his eyes and smirked.

"I just needed to let you know that the captain has ordered a meeting in about forty minutes, and he specifically requested that you be there. Along with 50 other soldiers. I'm supposed to notify everyone now..." Jasper trailed off, looking exhausted at the idea.

"And I suppose you are going to ask if I will help you find 50 soldiers who aren't already smashed for the evening?" Bennet laughed when Jasper gave him a sheepish look and nodded. "Anything for you, m'lord," he responded, this time curtsying, which resulted in a light punch to the arm from his friend.

"Thank you," said Jasper, "I guess we had better get started." The two young men set about their task of notifying the soldiers. Bennet was glad that Jasper knew he could rely on him. They had grown up together in Aealia. Jasper's father was a prominent blacksmith in the capital, and Bennet's father being the captain of the city guard had meant the two boys were often thrown together while their fathers conducted business. They had become fast friends, and had both joined the royal army at age eighteen. Now, three years later, they were glad to be assigned to the same company.

As the evening quickly darkened,  the two young men went about in search of soldiers to whom they could pass along the captain's orders. After many drunken encounters and a sloppy argument that had almost resulted in an all out brawl, their task was complete. On the way back to their camp, Bennet tried to accurately paint a picture of Saria's beauty for Jasper.

    "She carries herself like she is so much more than a barmaid in a dingy tavern from a small town! Such elegance and spirit! And her hair! A blazing fire of red, so beautiful against her crystal blue eyes and bronzed skin, with just a few freckles brushed across her nose to give her a sweet, innocent look," Bennet beamed as he spoke of her.

    "I feel like I'm listening to you recite poetry, not describe a girl you just met today," Jasper chuckled, marveling at his friend's enthusiasm. He wasn't surprised though. Bennet's charming personality and handsome face often kept him surrounded by beautiful women, most of whom were forgotten as soon as the next pretty girl passed by. Jasper always humored him though, knowing that some day one of those pretty girls would make a real impression on Bennet, most likely leaving him heartbroken. Jasper himself appreciated the beauty of women, and had taken more than the usual interest in several over the years, but was intent on focusing on his military career for the time being. He didn't need the distraction of a woman in his life. Therefore it was particularly agitating that he couldn't seem to get a pair of fine green eyes out of his head.


    Zephyr was in her room, completely immersed in the book her nose was stuck in, when she heard a knock on the back door. Pulling her mind away from the story she had been reading for the last two hours since Agitha had gone to bed, she wondered who would be knocking on the door that led from the back of their washroom to the alley behind the store. Rising from her bed, glad that she hadn't changed into her night clothes, Zephyr walked to the washroom and opened the door slightly, leaving the dead bolt chained. She quickly realized she had no reason to be alarmed when she saw a flash of red hair through the crack. Unlocking the door all the way, she pulled Saria into the room, as it had just begun to storm and Agitha would be vexed if Zephyr let the rain in.

Ever So Lightly- Book 1Where stories live. Discover now