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"The heart of the mountain, the heart of the rebellion. There are even rumors that this chamber is the petrified heart of an ancient dragon." Zephyr tried to take everything in at once as Matthew gave her a history lesson on the city of Heart as they ambled down a busy street in the shopping district. She couldn't believe that all of this, all of these people, were hidden inside a mountain. And apparently they had been for some time.

According to Matthew, a small group of rebels had stumbled upon the tunnels surrounding the enormous inner chamber about twelve years prior, and since then people had been migrating to the mountain sanctuary. The city was now self sufficient, with many Gifted ones having fled the wrath of the usurper queen now helping to support Heart with their multitude of talents and abilities.

Before she knew it, an hour had passed and Zephyr was stuffed with more treats and sweets than she'd ever dreamed of. Matthew had taken her to all of his favorite shops, introducing her to his friends and acquaintances around the city. There was no possible way that she would remember all of the names of the new people she'd met.

As they exited a chocolate shop, the kindly owner pushed a bag of the candies into Zephyr's hands before hugging Matthew tightly and telling him just how happy they were for him. Zephyr stepped out toward the street, still awestruck by the brilliant sights surrounding her on all sides. A flash of orange in the distance snagged her attention and next thing she knew, Saria was tackling her in a hug.

"Is that chocolate?" her friend exclaimed. Zephyr pushed the bag toward her.

"Yes, please eat some!" Zephyr whispered. "Everywhere we go people are giving me food and I feel like I'm about to burst." Saria laughed as she stuffed a round chocolate with some sort of purple filling into her mouth.

"Everyone's just happy to see you. You're the lost princess!" Zephyr rolled her eyes at her friend.

"I'm just a girl, just a normal person."

"I'd say you're a bit more than that," Matthew's voice rang out over the sounds of the busy street around her. Zephyr and Saria turned to see him stepping up next to them.

"Saria, I've got some matters to attend to. I believe a coat I was having mended is done, and I'd like to go pick it up. Would you mind showing Zephyr to her room?"

"It would be my pleasure, sir." Saria grinned at the old man, who hugged Zephyr and promised to find her later so they could talk a bit more. Zephyr got the feeling that he could sense how overwhelmed she was becoming, and had made up the excuse to let her and Saria slip away.

The two girls hurried through the city, weaving their way through the streets and traffic. Saria seemed to know where she was going so Zephyr let her lead the way. It wasn't until they had made their way back to the much quieter tunnels that Saria turned to Zephyr in question.

"So," she began hesitantly, "you haven't had a chance to tell me about everything that happened to you and Jasper while you were separated from us." Zephyr, glad to finally be able to share the story with her friend, recounted the entirety of the events. She only faltered when she got to that fateful night in the rain, just in time to rush into Saria's room in an attempt to hide her furious blush.

"You kissed him!" Saria squealed at her. Zephyr plopped onto one of two beds in the room and pressed a pillow over her face, letting out a pained noise.

"My timid little Zephyr actually made a move for a change." Zephyr could hear the smile in her friend's voice. She threw the pillow away and sat up to find Saria sitting cross-legged on the bed opposite her.

"I did. And then we talked and came to... an agreement." Saria laughed.

"He said the same thing."

"You talked to him?" Zephyr couldn't keep the anxious twinge from coloring her words. Saria gave her a wry smirk.

"Bennet and I did. He obviously adores you Zephyr. But," Saria trailed off, fiddling with a loose thread in her blanket.

"But," Zephyr responded, her eyes falling from Saria's face to land somewhere on the floor at her feet. "All of this," she waved her hands in the air around her, "is happening." She felt the mattress sink next to her, Saria's arm draping around her shoulders. "I think I know how I feel, and I think I know what I want, but I just don't know if I want it now. I still feel like I want to... like I need to wait."

Zephyr lifted her gaze to Saria's, trying to gage her friend's thoughts. Saria nodded slowly.

"If that's what you need, then you should wait," she said after a long moment. "But just be careful. You don't want to string him along. Make that clear to him."

Zephyr opened her mouth to respond but was interrupted by a knock at the door. Saria hopped up, admitting her father into the room.

"Zephyr," he said, not quite meeting her eyes. "It's good to see you looking better."

"Thank you," she began sheepishly. "I'm so sorry for how angry I was with you earlier, it's just been a lot to take in."

"No need to be sorry, you had every right to that anger. I wish every day that all of this could have played out differently, for your sake and for everyone else involved." Frederick clasped her hand in both of his as she stood. "Would you mind giving me a moment alone with my daughter?" She nodded, turning to give Saria a hug.

"I'll go see how Jasper is doing, maybe try to... clear some things up," Zephyr whispered to her friend. Saria gave her an extra squeeze before letting go. With a small smile for Frederick, Zephyr exited the room.


Saria's heart went out to her friend. Not for the first time she wished their roles reversed if only so that she could lessen Zephyr's burden.

As soon as the door clicked shut behind Zephyr she turned to her father.

"Is something the matter?"

Frederick began pacing the room, which meant something was most certainly the matter.

"No, no, everything's fine. I just... there's something I need to tell you. Another secret I've regretfully been keeping."

Saria's heart seemed to skip a beat. "About Zephyr?"

"Not this one, no. This is about us, about our family. Saria, I just want you to know how sorry I am. I never wanted to keep this from you, but I was only trying to respect your mother's wishes."

Another skipped beat.

"What are you talking about?" Her limbs began to feel numb. Her mother. They never spoke about her mother. Not since the day she left without a word. Not since she'd broken their hearts truly and thoroughly.

"Saria, when your mother left," Frederick took a shuddering breath. "I knew where she went. Lara left with the rebellion. To come here."

Skip. Skip. Skip.


"Your mother is here in Heart. She wants to see you."

Ever So Lightly- Book 1Where stories live. Discover now