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Kade wiped the blood from his knife as the deserter ran past to alert someone to the presence of his soldiers. Well, they weren't his soldiers, strictly speaking, but they were here to do his bidding and that was enough. Holding onto his invisibility, he glanced back out of the tunnel to see Houndsley and a small group of men break away. They should have time to get inside before Ende showed up with reinforcements.

Turning back into the tunnel, Kade marked the direction he decided on with a piece of chalk. Small enough to go unnoticed, but Houndsley knew to look for the marks. Using his Gift, Kade was to find the girl, and anyone else important in her vicinity. Houndsley's job was to take them out. Simple enough. A wry smile spread across his lips and he began his search. Finally, a chance to prove himself to his queen. All it had taken was some eavesdropping when he'd been travelling with the rebels. Frederick Devereaux really should be more careful when talking about the entrance to his precious rebel base.

Now, if he could take out the lost princess, the threat to the throne, then he could finally supplant his father. Kade could finally take down the man who had killed his mother. Rage, unfiltered, blurred his vision for a moment, yet he could see it all so clearly. Finally rising to his place by Lorelei's side, his father broken at their feet. He just had to find the girl.

The sounds of Houndsley's men entering the tunnel echoed behind him, and, with another grin, Kade continued his trek forward.


Bennet whistled a jaunty tune as he walked past the stairs leading to the meeting hall. Not for the first time was he glad his attendance wasn't required at those mind-numbing assemblies. No, he was just another soldier, another sword to be wielded when the time came, and he was glad for it.

Just before he turned a corner, another body came barreling around it and slammed into him. Bennet stumbled backwards, as the other young man hit the floor with a thump that sounded quite awful. Bennet reached a hand out to help the man to his feet.

"In a bit of a hurry, aren't you?"

The man looked flustered. "I'm looking for the princess again, she keeps slipping off but her presence is required for the next council meeting that's starting in just a few minutes!" Bennet chuckled, which seemed to infuriate the man to no end. A flash of silver up ahead cause his eye, and Bennet allowed his grin to widen.

"You're in luck! I just saw her run off that way." He pointed in the other direction. "I think she was mumbling something about stuffy messengers." The other man huffed, straightening his jacket before stomping off in the opposite direction of where Zephyr was hiding. Bennet slid his hands into his pockets and resumed his whistling. He turned the corner to find the pixie of a girl pressed against the wall, eyes wide.

"Thank you so much," she breathed, visibly relieved.

"Not a problem. May I ask why you're hiding from that poor man?"

Zephyr sighed, closing her eyes tightly. "I can't take another meeting right now. Elin just wants to argue about forcing the elves into an alliance and I don't know why they want me there anyways because they never actually talk to me and if I hear the phrase 'face of the rebellion' one more time I might scream." She slumped at this, taking in an unsteady breath. Bennet put an arm around her shoulders.

"What if I said I knew of a place that was quiet, and where mister messenger might not be able to find you? I heard the library is no longer safe." Zephyr nodded enthusiastically.

"That would be incredible."

Bennet let out a laugh, tugging her along. "Follow me, and keep quiet."

Together they made their way through the tunnels, until finally Bennet found the one he'd been looking for. A smaller tunnel branched off of the dim one they had been walking down for several minutes.

"I found this a few days ago and decided to do some exploring." He pushed Zephyr ahead of him into the darker tunnel, slipping in after her. "Watch your step, there's a staircase ahead."

Up and up they went, the dark slowly receding until at last they stepped out onto a flat peak. Zephyr gasped. Around them, the mountain tops rose in all their glory. The sun was at its apex, shining directly above, its light reflecting magnificently off of the snowy peaks.

"It's beautiful!"

"It is," Bennet agreed. "And so far no one else had intruded. Saria and I were up here for quite some time just yesterday, while you were in another of your meetings, and let me tell you..." He cut off as Zephyr gave him a horrified look, her cheeks pink as could be. His laugh rang across the expanse, echoing off the rocks surrounding them. "I'd almost forgotten how easy it is to get you to blush. Here, come look at this." Taking her hand, Bennet pulled the girl toward the ledge.

"Oh no no no, I don't do heights," she said, planting her feet and resisting with all her small might. Bennet grinned.

"You have to see it though! Don't worry, I've got you." Finally, she relented, allowing him to pull her toward the edge. He pointed down.

"Look, from up here you can make faces at Elin and she'll never know." The glass dome of the meeting hall sprawled just beneath them, the surface just as stunning from the outside as from within. Figures could be seen sitting around the table. Elin and Matthew were easy to make out.

"Wow," Zephyr breathed. She looked on for a long moment, before seeming to realize just how high up she was standing. "I think I'm going to go back over there." She made her way back across the plateau, away from the ledge. Bennet followed.

Slumping against the mountain surface, Zephyr slid to the ground with a sigh. "It's so quiet." Her voice was light. "Thank you so much, Bennet." He nodded at her with a smile.

"You can stay as long as you need, I'll try to keep any inquiring minds away." She smiled, her eyes closed. Bennet began to make his way back down the stairs when her voice caught his attention once again.

"Saria will kill you if she hears you talking about sneaking up here with her." Her words were playful, and Bennet only laughed heartily as he made his way back into the mountain.

Ever So Lightly- Book 1Where stories live. Discover now