
14 2 2

tagged by rachel

Q: are looks important in a relationship?
A: nope

Q: are relationships ever worth it?
A: what's that supposed to mean?!

Q: are you a virgin?
A: yep

Q: are you in a relationship?
A: idk i dont think so its complicated,,

Q: are you in love?
A: idfk man

Q: are you single this year?
A: i guess so

Q: can you commit to one person?
A: yes

Q: describe your crush
A: rather not

Q: describe your perfect girlfriend/boyfriend
A: i'm clingy and my mind is always wandering so idk someone whos gonna make me !!! and calm me down.

Q: do you believe in love at first sight?
A: idk im a dummy

Q: do you ever want to be married?
A: yeah

Q: do you forgive betrayal?
A: if you cross me that's it bitch,,

Q: do you get jealous easily?
A: yeS

Q: do you have a crush on anyone?
A: yeah

Q: do you have any piercings?
A: i wish

Q: do you have any tattoos?
A: no

Q: do you like kissing in public?
A: pda is cute sometimes

Q: do you shower everyday?
A: yes

Q: do you think someone has feelings for you?
A: lmao no im a depressed ratty

Q: do you think someone is thinking of you right now?
A: maybe

Q: do you think you can last 6 months in a relationship and not cheat?
A: ofc

Q: do you think you'll be married in five years?
A: ill be 18 so no

Q: do you want to be in a relationship this year?
A: i dont know fuk

Q: has anyone told you they dont wanna lose you?
A: yes and i was very happy to hear that

Q: has someone ever written a song or poem about you?
A: i dont think so

Q: have you ever been cheated on?
A: no

Q: have you ever cheated on someone?
A: nO

Q: have you ever considered plastic surgery? if so, what would you change about your body?
A: if top surgery counts then yeah

Q: have you ever cried over a boy/girl?

Q: have you ever received unrequited love?
A: no i mean ive been the person showing all the affection

Q: have you ever had sex with a woman or man?
A: no

Q: have you ever kissed someone older than you?
A: nope

Q: have you ever liked one of your best friends?
A: yeah

Q: have you ever liked someone who your friends hated?
A: i dont think so

Q: have you ever liked someone you would never expect to?
A: mhmm

Q: have you ever wanted someone you couldn't have?
A: yUp

Q: have you ever written a song or poem for someone?
A: yes

Q: have you had sex so far this year?
A: no

Q: how long can you kiss until your hands start to wander (jfc)
A: m a pretty horny n sexual person so idk

Q: how long was your longest relationship?
A: psHH idk

Q: how many boyfriends/girlfriends have you had?
A: boyfriends: one
girlfriends: zero

Q: how many people did u kiss in 2012?
A: no one

Q: how many times did u have sex last year?
A: zEro

Q: how old are you?
A: im 13

Q: if the person you like says they like someone else, what would you say?
A: idrc cause why would anyone like me ?? i usually just want them happy w the person theyre crushing on so id say nothing

Q: if you have a boyfriend/girlfriend, what is your favorite thing about him or her?
A: their personality n how happy they make me

Q: if your first true love knocked on the door with apology and presents, would you accept?
A: id take the presents n thats it

im not tagging ppl but ya caN do this if ya want

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