c h a p t e r 13

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chapter13: Keychains

HyunA's POV:

I am currently resting in my room when a scene suddenly flashed through my mind..

'Mickey! Close your eyes, I've got you a gift..' The guy said as he spoke to the girl in his front.

'Really? What is it?' The girl excitedly asked..

'Secret. Close your eyes first.' The boy said and the latter immediately closed her eyes.

'Hana, dul, set! Tada!' The boy asked as he show the 'surprise' to the girl.

"Daebak! Omo! It's so cuuute!' The girl commented as she picked up the surprise.

'That keychain represents me.. and this,' The boy showed another keychain, '..represents you.. So that if we miss each other.. We just to look at it and boom! It will lessen our worries about each other.. It's also a voice recorder.. Just press its tummy and it will record what you want to say..' The boy explained.

'Thank you very much Minnie!' The girl thanked the boy and hugged him.

What is that?? I stood up and it looks like my feet have its own mind because I suddenly found myself inside the attic..

"Oookay.. This whole thing is really creeping me out." I spoke to myself as I walked around the room and I found a box.. A very old and dusty box.. It is a black and white medium-sized box. I blowed the dust and there was a tag on the top of the box..

"Minnie and Mickey Memories" I read it aloud... Wait a minute! This is the endearment of the girl and the boy a while ago.. And because curiousity kills the cat, I opened the box..

There is a Mickey and Minnie keychains. I picked up the Minnie one and examined it.. I press it on its tummy yet nothing happened.. I picked up the Mickey and a piece of paper fell from the keychain.

"This paper looks like its just ripped from a small booklet.." I commented.. Well, I'm stating the obvious.. The left side of the paper was ripped and other side is not.. I unfold the paper and started reading its content.

"To whoever that will read this..

               Please give this box to My Minnie.. Please.. I don't know why he left me but I really love him to the point that I can sacrifice my life just to bring him back to me.. I know that he saw me with other guys but he never talked to me about it.. But whenever I see him with other girls, I got mad and even get into fights because of that stupid and very lame reason.. Whenever I act cold towards him, he immediately asks what's wrong, if he did something, and he repeatedly says sorry.. My Minnie is one of a kind and is every girl's ideal man.. He always treated me like a princess and acted like my prince.. He's very gentleman, I've tried seducing him but guess what.. He just told me that he respect me a lot and he will wait until we get married.. He's very loyal too.. There was a time that I caught him kissing a girl, -that's what I thought- , I really got mad to the point that I asked for a cool-off.. Baby Lay-ssi contacted me and said that My Minnie was in a bar, drowning his self with alcohol.. I immediately went to the said bar after Baby Lay-ssi gave me the address.. The sight of him getting drunk really makes me disappointed.. I  told him that he need to go home but his reply really made me cry.. "Who are you?? *hik* Please, go away.. M-My Mickey will be here and might see us.. S-She will be jealous as hell, I'm sure.. And please *hik* don't assume that I will kiss you because I'm *hik* drunk.. I still don't have the time to explain to My Mickey what she saw.. That flirty girl came *hik* near me and suddenly kissed me.. I h-hate that stranger.. I wish My Mickey will give me a *hik* chance t-to explain.. I love her.. so.. so.. much.." And with that he fell asleep leaving me with tears on my face.. And lastly, he promised me that he will give me a very dreamy wedding that all brides will wish for.. So please.. whoever that will read this.. Kindly give it to My Minnie..

~With all love.. His Mickey.."

And that is the content of the letter.. I looked around the box and tried to look for any names but unfortunately, there was none.. I was about to press the Mickey keychain but then, a voice started shouting my name..

"HyunA! Lee HyunA! Where are you?! Come down! Your dinner is ready! Faster! Don't make the food waiting!" Oh, its my aunt.. She really got a very loud voice, sometimes I ask myself, 'Is she really my aunt?'

"Ne! Coming!" I replied as I bring the box with me downstairs..

Unknown POV:

I'm here in California for a business meeting. I don't hold my father's company, he's just busy that's why he asked me to do this crappy meeting.

I was about to walk when a girl bumped into me.

"Gosh! Look where you are going!" I shouted that got some attentions of  the passengers here in the Arrival Area.. I don't care, all I'm thinking about right now is the clumsy and stupid girl in front of me.

"Oh! Sorry, I didn't see you.." She apologized as she kept on bowing.

"Tss... Clumsy." I murmured as I rolled my eyes heavenwards and continued walking.

*kriiing kriiing*

Daddy Calling...

I tapped the answer button and looked around the place.

["Young child.. Where are you now?"] My father asked me.

"In California, obviously." I sarcastically replied and rolled my eyes.. As if, he can see that.

["Shut up. Remember my reminders. Your  clothes should be formal.. Just this once, try to wear something proper. I'm hanging up, I need to do some client meetings. Bye.."] He said and ended the call.

Just wait for me my Dear Father.. Be sure that this meeting is worth it.


the puzzle of the story is starting... what do you think is the message of the Keychain Recorder? who is the Unknown Person? the next chapter is another piece for the puzzle.. i'm trying to finish the plot of the story so it would be finished before summer comes..

so, what do you think of the chappy?




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