c h a p t e r 17

61 2 3


Xiumin's POV:

The members asked permission to go out with Bangtan today, and right now, we're here in aーwait, I don't know this place but it's a uhm, a street, a long street, that have food stalls around. I looked at my right and I saw a shaved ice cream stall. I poked Suho's shoulder and pointed the stall I saw.

"Guys, I think it's good there." He looked at the members and they nodded their heads. Well, we can't cause very loud noise 'cause it's a public place and we can't bear any kind of bad news right now. And it really feels like everything's very different.

"Namjoon, would you like to join us here?"  But before Namjoon gets the chance to answer, Taehyung already pulled him towards our direction, "C'mon! I'm hungry already!"

"Aish! That guy's really a head ache.." I heard Namjoon whispering.

We went near the stall and ordered shaved ice creams.

"Is there a coffee flavor?" I asked, well, coffee is life.

"Yes. How many orders, Sir?" The vendor politely replied.

"Mine's caramel macchiato.. And please make it two.." Jungkook said. Showing his two fingers.

"Two strawberry, three chocolate, and a banana.." Namjoon said..

"I will have an Americano.." I said.. I looked at Suho, asking for their orders.

"Three vanilla, five caramel, and three apple.." Suho said..

"Okay, two caramel macchiato and strawberry. Five caramel, three chocolate, vanilla, and apple. A banana and Americano. Is that all Sir?" The vendor asked me and I nodded. "Please wait for your orders, you may take that table." She pointed the table near the stall.

We walked towards the table and sit down. The surroundings were so noisy but it feels like our table is so silent.. But Taehyung's voice broke the awkward silence when he started talking.

"This is the first time we had a collab right?" He started and we nodded.

"I was really amazed when we entered your building last week and I'm not yet used with it.." He continued, laughing with what he said.

"He's right, it's sometimes--well, more often-- very hard to find a specific room.. From the first floor up to the final floor.. Nothing changes.. The room doors are so many. And it seriously makes my head shook." Jimin started talking too.

"It was also hard for me when I first entered the building.. But with Suho-hyung's help, I immediately found the room I was looking for. Hahaha.." Kai joined the conversation too.. And the other members started talking too.. I only speak when they ask me questions.

Later on, our orders came.. It took six trays to bring our orders. Maybe because the plate they used was too big for a usual one..

When I got mine, I immediately took a picture of it.

When I got mine, I immediately took a picture of it

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