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Hi loves,

Here's another edited chapter.

I was going to add something but I realised I had already mentioned it before.


Lots of love Jess xx



Today was Christmas Eve, we had set up out tree a few days ago and right now we were at the café for lunch. Hazel was eating chips and gravy, Ellie had a chicken wrap and I had a chicken burger in front of me, we all had our own milkshakes to add to our lunch.

After lunch we said our goodbyes to Nick and walked out got into my car, I pulled out of the parking lot and drove us back home. Once there we noticed a black car in the driveway, pulling in I noticed it was Robert, looking across to Maya's house I saw Cole with three scared little girls, when I looked back to Robert I noticed Maya was locked in the back of my Roberts car screaming and crying to be let out.

Stopping my car I turned to see a worried Ellie looking at me. "Just take Hazel inside, we'll all be inside soon" I told her before kissing her and pulling away "listen to mommy okay Monkey" I said looking at Hazel who nodded her head and then we all got out, Hazel and Ellie went inside and I walked over to Robert who had a smirk on his face.

"What are you doing here?" I asked "I told you that Cole would be getting his kids and that you four will be moving with me, I wasn't kidding Nathan" Robert said "there's no way in hell we're going with you" I snapped at Robert causing him to turn angry "why the fuck not, I deserve to spend time with my children" Robert yelled "maybe if you didn't try to kill our mom you wouldn't of gone to jail" I spat out annoyed "now let my sister out of that car and leave my house" I yelled "how dare you talk to me like that" Robert spat "I can talk to you however I like, now let Maya out and leave" I yelled "oh I'll leave, but I'm not letting her out" Robert said "stop being a fucking dick and let my sister out" I spat.

This caused me to get a slap across the face, before I knew what was happening my fist connected with Robert's face and I heard a crunch and a scream as Robert hit the car behind him before falling over, I pulled him away from the car and kicked him before grabbing his keys and helping my sister out, Maya ran inside my house locking up and I ran next door to see Cole looking at me scared.

"Let go of my niece's" I yelled at him, Cole instantly backed away with hurt in his eyes as the girls ran over to me, I picked up Luna and all four of us went back to mine, just before I walked into the house I turned around "be off my property in 5 minutes or I'm calling the police" I yelled out to Robert before walking inside closing the door behind me locking it and placing Luna on the ground, instantly I was taken into a pair of arms, wrapping my arms around the person I started calming them down before pulling away to see it was Maya.

I pulled her back into my arms and hugged her as much as I could, Maya then pulled away and ran over to her girls picking them up. I looked up to see Ellie and Hazel standing there, Hazel had tear strained cheeks and red puffy eyes whilst Ellie looked a little scared and pointed behind me, thankfully the door was shut but we could easily see a figure through the fog like doors.

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