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2 Months Later

Tomorrow is the day, I can't believe tomorrow I'm marrying the man I love. Alec is now a little over 2 months old. The past 2 months have been a whirlwind trying to get everything ready in time for the big day.

We collected our wedding outfits a few days ago and their perfect fit and look amazing on everyone. Yesterday I got my haircut from my long hair to my shoulders.

I was currently at the wedding venue with Nathan, the kids and Hollie, we were all making sure everything was ready for tomorrow, once we finished Nathan and I would head back to the house and Nathan will leave for his moms.

'Alright that's everything, well see you all tomorrow' the venue host said to us, we thanked her before saying goodbye and leaving for our cars. I said goodbye to Hollie seeing as though I won't be seeing her until the morning, I buckled Alec in before making sure Hazel was in and got into my seat and waited for Nathan before we headed home.

Once we got home I got Alec out and helped Hazel out before we went inside with Nathan who had all our bags and things. Once inside Hazel ran off to the play room, Nathan ran up to our room to pack his things and I went into the living room placing Alec in his bouncer, being lunch time I made Hazel some lunch before calling her in before walking into the living room and sitting down to feed Alec.

A few hours later it was getting close to 5:30, we were all watching a movie when suddenly the front door opened and you could hear kids talking, that's when I noticed Maya walk in, 'quietly guys Alec's sleeping' Maya said after she noticed Alec in his bouncer. 'Alright, Nate you need to go, mom and dad are at home waiting for you, and were all here to spend the night with our girl' Maya said pulling Nathan up off the chair and pushing him towards his things.

'Butterfly let me say goodbye to my family first will you' Nathan said before ducking from another of his sisters pushes and walking over to me, 'I'll see you tomorrow' I said kissing him 'I can't wait until your mine' Nathan said kissing me again before moving to Hazel to say goodbye, might I say it took awhile as she wanted to go with him, he gave Alec a kiss on his forehead before saying goodbye to his sister and nieces and walking out the door.

'Alright, now I've ordered pizza for everyone, we're going to have a movie marathon and eat pizza' Maya said as she placed her things down 'sounds like a great idea' I said standing up just as the doorbell rang, Maya walked over to the door and answered it before Willow walked into the living room with 3 boxes of pizza and 2 garlic breads, 'mom paid' Willow said as she placed the food on the coffee table, Maya got out drink bottles placing them on the table, Hazel walked in from the kitchen with two drink bottles handing one to me before sitting with her cousins.

Just as I was about to grab a pizza to start eating Alec started crying, I walked over to him and picked him up before sitting on the couch and feeding him, after feeding him I burped him before he cuddled into me fisting my shirt in his hands.

After 5 minutes we had finally chosen on "Finding Nemo" and were watching the movie, Alec was getting restless again, I picked him up and checked his nappy before excusing myself and made my way to his room to change it.

Once I was done I walked back downstairs and sat down with Alec sleeping in my lap again.

After Nemo finished we put on "Finding Dory" and then we watched "Frozen" before we got the girls situated in Hazel's room, after saying goodnight to the girls I fed Alec once more before putting him in his cot next to my bed, I made sure I had his baby monitor on me before joining Maya for a few more movies.

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