#28 You Go To Disney Together For The First Time

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Author's Note: I swear it's probably been like 6 months since I've updated omlllll 😂. But the support from you guys is unbelievable so thank you so much btw I've lately been super obsessed with Supernatural.
Comment wether Dean or Sam (mine is Dean lowl)
"Cmon cmon the castle is this way!", you say overly excited as you pull Harry by the hand through the small crowd. You probably looked like a little six year old but you didn't mind, after all it was your first time in the states.

Harry had decided that as a little anniversary gift he would take you to Disney knowing it was what you wanted the most because when you were little your parents couldn't afford it.

"Alright alright in coming.", Harry chuckles behind you.

"Oh my gosh I can't believe we are really here Har!", which results in a laugh from him.

"How did I get so blessed to be with someone as perfect and adorable as you?", Harry says out loud when you finally get to the front of the castle.

"I think the real question is how did I get so lucky with you.", you smile up at him before he traps your lips with his.

When your done showing the little pda, harry unwraps his arms from around you're waist and asks a young couple to take a picture of you two. When the young man takes the phone, Harry grabs you and swifts you of your feet resulting in you laughing and tilting your head back and Harry looking at you with love in his eyes. He puts you down with a smile and gets the camera back thanking the man.

"Perfect.", he says looking at the picture on the phone screen. You lean your head on his shoulder as you see that the  moment was captured perfectly.
Btw that was the closest pic I could get 😬

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