Midnight Kisses (Part 14)

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(Violet's POV)

Part 14

"Hey Violet I have an idea," Blake whispered halfway through the movie.

"Oh yeah and what's that?" I whispered back so we wouldn't disturb Ben and Maddie who seemed to be more interested in each other then the movie.

Maddie is telling Ben how much of a bitch Lucy is and how she has never really liked her, they don't realise that Blake and I can hear everything they say being vampire and all.

"Lets leave here and go for a late night swim at the beach. Just me and you," he whispered seductively in me ear while twirling a strand of my hair around his fingers.

"Oh that is a good idea, lets go," I yelled jumping from my spot on the couch. Blake chuckled when I grabbed his hand and pulled him up off the couch dragging him from the lounge room. Maddie and Ben were to enticed in each other to realise we had left.

We decided to walk to the beach because it wasn't very far away and it was a nice night, not to hot and not to cold, just perfect. It was a pretty quiet walk, Blake and I walked hand in hand, every now and then he would whisper sweet nothings in my ear or randomly kiss me on the cheek making me giggle.

My throat had a slight itching, burning feeling in it but I ignored it, it's probably from breathing in the cool night air I thought.

"Crap," I muttered causing Blake to look at me curiously.

"What?" he asked, his bright blue eyes looking into mine, they're so pretty, I reached up and ran my thumbs under his eyes.

"We forgot bathers," I murmured.

"Who says we need bathers to go swimming?" he winked at me making me laugh. We finally reached the beach, it looked so pretty, the water was so calm and sparkled in the moonlight, it was like there wasn't a worry in the world, and right now I didn't have a worry, I was here with Blake, the guy I have had a crush on practically since we met, and that's all that matters right now.

I let go of Blake's hand that was entwined with mine to take off my shoes before running over to the waters edge. The water was warm and the sand between my toes felt nice and relaxing.

I pulled off my shirt and unbuttoned my shorts to chuck them on to dry land. I looked over at Blake, he was standing about ten meters away staring at me, making me blush.

"Well are you just going to stand there and stare or are you going to come in the water?" I yelled with a big smile plastered on my face. Blake grinned at me then started running over while trying to take his pants off at the same time. He looked like an idiot and he almost face planted the sand twice, I was in hysterics laughing. "What's so funny baby girl?" he asked. I was about to answer but when I looked up I gasped. He was in just his underwear. Now its my turn to stare.

He is damn fine, I just want to run my hands all over is perfectly toned six-pack, his usually pale skin was now a creamy, milky colour in the moonlight.

"Stop drooling babe," Blake laughed. I blushed and wiped my mouth, but there was no drool. He bent over laughing wiping an imaginary tear from his. "You actually wiped your mouth," he laughed again.

I suddenly found my feet very interesting, oh yes I could definitely use a coat of nail polish on them. My mental chatter was cut off when Blake placed his hand on my cheek causing me to look up.

I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear and whispered, "You're so beautiful," before leaning to kiss me on the lips. I lifted my arms up and placed them around his neck, he placed his other arm on my waist pulling me closer to him to deepen the kiss, his tongue licked my bottom lip asking for entry, which I all to willingly granted.

We were in our own world as our tongues danced together and our breathing became heavy, we didn't notice a group of about twenty other teenagers and wandered onto the beach until one of them wolf whistled while the others laughed and cheered us on. "KISS, KISS, KISS, " they chanted.

The itching in my throat turned to burning, I pulled away from Blake and grabbed my neck with my hands.

"Violet are you ok?" Blake asked panicking. I couldn't answer him so I just shook my head. I started to panic, this has never happened before, what's happening to me? My eyes started to sting and I felt the tears well in my eyes and slide down my face.

"Your tears are green," Blake whispered wiping my tears away. Green? Why are they green? Surly that isn't normal. I tried calming my self down, I was breathing in through my nose and out through my mouth, I was breathing in through my nose when a gust of wind came and blew the sweetest, most appetising smell over. It made my mouth water and the burning feeling in my throat intensify.

I sniffed the air searching for the source of the smell. "Violet what's wrong? What the fuck are you doing?" Blake asked. I looked at him, but otherwise ignored him. He copied me and sniffed the air too.

His body went stiff, did he smell the sweet smell too? I smelled around and noticed the smell seemed to be coming from the group of drunk teenagers on the shore. I started to make my towards them, I had barely taken a step when Blake's arms wrapped around my waist preventing me from going any further.

I felt a low feral snarl build in my chest, Blake gasped and pulled me tighter, "Violet. No you will hurt someone." He sounded like he was on the verge of tears, but I didn't care I just wanted to find out what that smell was. "This shouldn't be happening now, she's only sixteen," he was thinking out loud. I had no clue to what he was on about but I didn't care.

Blake looked like he was in deep thought so I took the chance to push past him. Within seconds I was standing in the middle of the other teenagers.

"Why hello there sexy," a guy with brown spiky hair and brown eyes said. "Don't you look nice in your underwear," the others laughed, I looked down and sure enough I was still in my underwear, but I didn't care.

I took a step closer and sniffed to air again, the smell was ten times stronger here, and so was the burning feeling.

I heard Blake yell to stay away from me, I snapped my head in his direction and growled showing my teeth.

I looked back over at the boy that smelt so good to see that he was staring wide eyes at my teeth. I was confused to why he was staring at my teeth, so I ran my tongue over them and felt to razor, sharp vampire teeth.

I smiled evilly, I get it now, the smell, the burning, the teeth, I was a vampire and he had blood, warm, fresh blood. Without hesitation I pounced on the brown haired boy making him fall back into the sand. I straddled him and leaned in towards his neck. When I was centimetres away I breathed in through my nose and smiled, the blood smelt so good. I opened my mouth to bite him. My teeth came in contact with his bare skin, just piercing the top layer.

His blood dribbled on to my tongue, it made the burning feeling go away.

Just as I was about to sink my teeth in further, someone grabbed me from behind and pulled me off. I screamed a blood curdling scream.

The person laid me on the ground and straddled me. It was Blake. He grabbed my arms and held them above my head.

"Violet stop it please, you're going to kill someone if I let you go," he wined still holding me down as I struggled to get free.

I stopped struggling and looked at Blake, "What have I done?" I cried. Blake got off me, pulled me into his lap and wrapped his arms around me.

I cried into shoulder. "I could have killed someone," I sobbed, my voice breaking twice.

"It's ok Violet, its not your fault," he cooed.

"It is my fault I could have killed him, I'm an animal." Its true I'm an animal, I almost became I murderer.

"You didn't kill him he is still alive, his bite marks would have healed by now and his to drunk to even know what was happening, everyone else thought you were just trying to seduce him, and you're not an animal, you're a vampire you need blood to survive babe, I will help you get blood if you like." Blake said. It made me feel a tiny bit better but not much. I just cried into his shoulder before darkness took over and I feel asleep.

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