Midnight Kisses (Part 12)

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(Violets POV)

I was really happy, I wanted to do a happy dance.

"Your happy," Vladimir noted.

"Yep, but how did you know?" I grinned.

"I can feel it, and your eyes are glowing," he stated.

"How can you feel it?" I asked curious.

"That is a story for another time young one," Vladimir smiled at me.

Bzzzz bzzzz bzzzz bzzzz, my phone vibrated in my pocket scaring the crap out of me and making me jump ten feet in the air.

I looked at the screen, 1 NEW MESSAGE: LUCY.

LUCY: Hey hun, mads and I r on the way to ur house, we haven't seen u in a while, we miss u xLx

ME: k c u soon then xVx

"Who is it?" Ben asked.

"Lucy, her and Maddie are coming over." Ben's eyes lit up at Lucy's name, oh he so has a crush on her.

I jumped off the couch and pointed at Ben, "YOU HAVE A CRUSH ON LUCY!" I yelled at him accusingly.

Ben's cheeks turned a bright red, "I do not," he said refusing to look me in the eye.

"Yes you do I can see it, you can't hide it from me Ben James Mason, I know you to well." I laughed, aww he likes Lucy. "Ben likes Lucy, Ben likes Lucy, Ben likes Lucy." I chanted.

Ben growled and ran at me tackling me to the ground. "You tell her and I will kill you," he threatened. I laughed at him.

"You.............. can't............. kill............... me............... you............... idiot." I said in between laughs.

"Oh and why not?" he asked glaring at me playfully still pinning me too the ground.

"'Cause I'm a vampire," I smirked when he narrowed his eyes. "And you love me to much."

"Damn," he muttered. After a few seconds he looked at me and grinned widely showing off all his white teeth.

"What are you smiling at?" I narrowed my eyes suspiciously. Ben laughed and got off me. Just as I was getting up off the ground Ben grabbed me and threw me over his shoulder. "Ben put me down," I screeched hitting his back with my fists.

I felt his body shake with laughter, "Hell no, I getting you back for making me slip in your vomit this morning, and if you tell Lucy...."

Ding Dong Ben got cut off by the doorbell.

"Saved by the bell," I yelled.

"Don't bet on it," he laughed, I grimaced.

"I got it," Vladimir yelled, oh great now Lucy is going to be all over him, hmm I wonder if Vladimir is married or something.

"Baby sister meet the pool, the pool, meet my baby sister," Ben laughed.

"BEN YOU CHUCK ME IN THERE AND YOU ARE SO DEAD. BLAKE HELP ME," I yelled looking around for Blake. He was standing over by the back door laughing.

"Sorry Baby girl, last time I got involved in one of your's and Ben's fights I got covered in mustard and flour." Blake called out to me laughing.

Ben lifted me off his shoulder and got ready to chuck me in, "1...2...2 and a half...3," on three Ben let go, for some reason everything felt like it was in slow motion, while I was falling I grabbed Bens shirt and pulled him to the water with me, Splash, Ben and I fell in the water, when I resurfaced I started laughing hysterically.

"How the hell did I end up in the water with you?" Ben yelled splashing me in the face with water. I laughed even harder, then started shivering, the water was like ice.

"Need a towel babe?" Blake was kneeling by the edge of the pool with a towel in his hands.

"Y-y-y-yeah," I shivered swimming over to where Blake was kneeling beside the pool. "Come on out you get," Blake murmured grabbing my hand to help me out the water. Wow I never realised how soft his hands felt.

"Do you use hand cream?" I blurted out while Blake wrapped me in the towel and placed his arms around my waist pulling me to his chest. "No," he laughed kissing my neck, I felt my heart skip a beat, oh he drives me wild.

"But your hands are so soft," I whined. I felt him smile against my neck.

"Are you two going out?" I heard Maddie yell, oh yeah Maddie and Lucy are here.

I opened my mouth to say something but Blake spoke first, "yes we're going out."

I spun around to see Maddie and Lucy's reactions. Maddie was grinning like child in a candy store, I was taken aback by Lucy though, she was scowling at me. I looked up at Blake he was staring at Lucy with a confused expression.

"You stupid bitch, he's mine, not yours mine," Lucy screamed at me, everyone stopped what they were doing and stared at her. Lucy stomped over to Blake and grabbed his hand, "Come on Blakey lets go back to my house, we don't need to hang around these losers." Lucy said in a high-pitched baby voice.

Blake ripped his hand away from Lucy, "Piss off Lucy, I don't want to go with you, I'm with Violet and it's going to stay that way," he yelled. Lucy stepped closer and whispered in his ear,

"You know one night with me and you will forget all about her."

Vladimir, Blake and I all started laughing, Maddie and Ben were looking at us funny.

"What did she say?" Ben asked.

"Tell you when this slut has left," Blake Laughed.

Lucy glared at him then tuned to Maddie, "Come on Maddie we're not wanted here." Oh what a bitch.

"No I think I will stay ," Maddie murmured, I smiled a wide smile at her.

After Lucy left I walked over to where Ben was standing, "Are you okay?" I asked concerned, if that slut has broken my brothers heart she is so going to pay.

"Yeah I'm fine," he whispered.

I hugged him and said "You're way to good for her anyways." Ben hugged me back, "Thanks Baby sister, you always make me feel better."

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