Midnight Kisses (Part 15)

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(Violet's POV)

Part 15

When I woke up my eyes were sticky with sleep and my joints were sore from being in the same position for too long. How long have I been asleep? I thought.

I looked around I wasn't on the beach anymore with Blake and my clothes were back on. I was in Blake's room, it still looks the same from when I used to come here with Ben, the walls were all white and the furniture black, the bed was queen size with Black silk covers. The only difference was the photos that now hung on the wall opposite the bed.

I got up and walked over to them. The first picture was one of Blake with his parents, I haven't seen Evelyn and Chris in a while I wonder how they have been?

The second picture was of Ben and Blake when they were little, they had their arms slung around each others shoulders with big cheesy smiles plastered on their faces, Ben was missing his two front teeth.

It made me think of that song 'all I want for Christmas is my two front teeth.' I remember when Dad sang that song to Ben until he his two front teeth had grown back. Ben hated it when he did it, we all used to laugh when he would scowl then storm away.

The third was a picture of me. Me? When did Blake get a picture of me? I moved closer to get a better look at it. I was wearing my navy blue bikini, my hair was slightly wet and I was smiling at the camera.

I remember that picture now, it was from the last Vacation my family took together before our parents died. Blake came with us and he brought his camera, he was taking random pictures of everyone and everything, including me.

I smiled at the memory wishing we could go back and live it all again, maybe we would have done things different if we had known Mum and Dad were going to die a few weeks later.

I was about to move on to the forth picture when a pair of arms wound themselves around my waist, startled I spun around in the persons arms ready to punch them in the face, but it was just Blake.

I opened my mouth to scold him for scaring me but he spoke before me. "That's my favourite picture of you," he said, lightly pecking me on the lips. I smiled.

Blake and I stood there in each others arms for what felt like an eternity, I wanted to stay wrapped in his arms forever, it made me fell safe like no one could get to me, but I needed answers to what had happened the night before and to get answers I needed to ask questions.

"Blake?" I whispered. "Yeah Babe?" he asked. I hesitated for a second before asking my question. "What happened to me last night?"

I felt Blake stiffen around me. I looked up at his face, his jaw was clenched and his eyes were all misty. he looked like he was going to cry.

"Blake I need to know, What's happening to me? What happened to the boy? Is he okay? Oh god I hurt him didn't I? Am I going to jail? I don't want to go to jail, I wont be able to see you all the time. Oh this is bad, really bad. What will Ben think? Will he disown me? I don't want him to disown me, he is the only family I have left." I started to panic, my breathing picked up and my heart beat got faster. I heard Blake chuckle.

"Why are you laughing? This isn't funny." I yelled annoyed.

He chuckled again, I narrowed my eyes at him and gave him the death stare. "No your right it's not funny, but you were talking so fast, if I was human I wouldn't have understood a word you were saying, however I'm not human and I did understand your questions so I will answer them," he paused and smiled at me.

I tried to smile back but I couldn't muster the energy to do it, I still felt tired even thought I have probably been sleeping for ages and my throat still burned.

Blake seemed to realise this, he walked me over to the bed and picked up a silver flask off the bedside table that I hadn't noticed before. "Here try this," he said handing me the flask.

I wearily unscrewed the lid and tried to look inside but I couldn't see anything so I smelt it. It was the same smell from last night.


"Where did you get this?" I asked, where did they get the blood from, they didn't kill somebody and drain them did they?

"Blood bank, people go to the blood bank and donate blood they don't know that the blood is actually for vampires because ofcourse they think that we mythical creatures that only exist in stories." He said like it blatantly obvious. Well I guess it does make sense.

I sniffed it again before taking a sip. It had a slight taste of copper and rust but mostly it tasted sweet. After swallowing I smiled, that is the best stuff I have ever tasted, it as mouth watering, I wanted more. I lifted up the flask and quickly drank the rest of the contents inside. When I finished I wiped my mouth and gave the flask back to Blake.

The itching, burning feeling in my throat was no longer there, I smiled again.

"The feeling in your throat will come back when you're thirsty again, because you are so young you will have to drink blood every couple days. As you get older the less you will have to drink it, one day you will only have to drink it every couple weeks." Blake told me.

"Oh, how is it you so much about all this, but I don't?" I asked, I was a little jealous of the fact he so much and I didn't.

Blake laughed, "Because my parents taught me all about it growing up." He said. I wish I got told when I was growing up it makes me wonder if my parents knew my destiny. "Now go to sleep, you are tired, you took a lot of energy out of yourself last night."

I grimaced, "But what bout my questions?" I whined. Blake smirked at me.

"I will answer them when you wake up," he tucking me into the bed.

"Will you stay with me?" I asked, I didn't really want to be alone, I still thought the police were going to come and get me for assault or something.

"Ofcourse," he replied getting in next to me. He wrapped his arms around me and I snuggled into his chest, feeling warm and safe once again.

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