Chapter Four: Jason (PS: THANKS GUYS!!!)

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Important stuff is after the chappie.


Chapter Four

Jason's POV

Jason was tired of being told about impossible relationships.

Leo told him that he loved a girl whom he'd probably never see again.

Nico had said he liked a boy who already was happy with a girlfriend.

C'mon. Couldn't they tell Piper? Her mom was, after all, Aphrodite.

"CHEESEBURGER IN PAAAARADISSSSE!!!" Jason heard 'singing' coming from the showers.

Leo has got to stop this, he thought. Once, when Jason asked Leo to stop, he'd replied with, "I do this to annoy. Not to avoid embarrassment."

So Jason just helped everyone clean up the engine room. Piper had gone to her room to rest, as Jason had insisted. And of course, Leo was in the shower. At least, Jason had thought he was. As Hazel picked up Leo's sphere, he burst in, wearing nothing but a towel around his waist and another on his head. "LIKE A BOSS!!!" He yelled, then turned to Frank with a bored look on his face. "Done now? Good. Bye. Off to get clothing." When he left, the confused demigods looked at Frank for an explanation. He shrugged. "I might have dared him to do that."

Hazel dropped the sphere. "That was....weird."

"Yup," Annabeth agreed. Percy was busy laughing his head off to say a word.

The Argo II tipped, sending the half-bloods slamming into the right wall.

"What's happening?!" Leo and Piper burst into the room (Leo had, thankfully, put clothes on).

"I don't know," Percy moaned. "Annabeth, you okay?"

"I'm fine," she replied, separating herself from the squirming mass of people.

As soon as everyone was untangled and standing, they raced towards the deck. As they ran, Jason couldn't help but noticed how Tartarus had really effected Percy and Annabeth. They were a lot thinner than he remembered, and their faces were shallower. They ate a lot less, and weren't as full of energy as they usually were.

Jason pushed that thought away when they saw the beasts on the deck. "Holy Styx," Frank murmured.

The creatures looked like a combination of a person, seal, and dog. It's face was that of a Doberman, but it's body was similar to a seal's. It had human-like clawed hands and feet, and they were 6-7 feet tall. And there were 10 of them.


"What--" Hazel started, but Annabeth interrupted her.

"Telekhines." {A/N: Okay, I probably spelled that wrong. Sorry.}

The largest monster spoke in a snarly voice. "Give us a girl half-blood and a boy half-blood, and we'll kill you quickly."

"Hmm," Leo muttered, pretending to be thinking about it. "How '"

Jason snorted. The telekhines growled. They flexed their claws.

"We're screwed," Percy managed to say before the animals attacked.

Jason ducked as one lunged at his face. He brought his sword down to slice it, but it simply snarled and blocked the strike with claws.

Jason turned to see Piper slashing at another monster. Jason noiced that yet another was coming up from behind her. "PIPER LOOK OUT!" he shouted. The creature turned towards Jason. Great.

Unfortunatly, he'd forgotten about the other animal behind him. It snarled, and Jason turned, and probably would have been decapitated had a hammer not hit the telekhine's head and turned it into dust. Jason managed to slice the other telekhine's arm, not killing it but disabling it for now. When Jasdon turned to Leo to thank him for the hammer, Leo was surrounded by 3 of the creatures. Blood dripped from a wound above his eye.

Jason attacked. With a single strike, he brought down the first monster, surprising the others and giving Leo time to kill another with a hammer. The last got over it's surprise, and continued the attack, but Leo grinned and attacked back. It seemed to Jason the he was fine now, so he went to help anyone who needed it.

Percy seemed to be doing all right. Every time a monster got close, he brought Riptide down in a deadly arc. He was fighting side-by-side with Annabeth, who was hacking at monsters with her new sword, causing many to yelp and back away. Hazel and Frank were working together to defeat telekhines, one by one, attacking them together. Piper was the only one who seemed to need help. After all, she was fighting two of them...alone.

Jason fought his way towards her. When he reached her side, they hacked at the sea-demons attacking them.

Soon, all but two monsters were piles of dust. The demigods backed the survivors into a corner, weapons ready. One of them snarled. "You think you've won? Think again." The demons disappeared in a flash of light, leaving the Seven very confused and shocked.

~+~ ~+~ ~+~

When all of them had treated their wounds, the half-bloods had a meeting.

"We all know why the telekhines wanted a girl and a boy half-blood," Frank said. "So they can awaken Gaea." {A/N: I have certain plans for this...>:D}

Annabeth nodded. "Right. So unless we want Gaea to wake up, we'd better try to avoid getting captured."

Piper snorted. "Well that's a good plan."

Percy shrugged. "Not much we can do at this point."

The demigods murmured their nervous agreement. Jason squeezed Piper's hand, fearing for their lives.

Jason looked around the Seven, seeing the scarred look in all of their eyes. They were all just teenagers, Jason included. Their greatest worries should only be fighting bullies, not monsters who live for death. But then, Jason realized something. As well as fear in their eyes, there was also hope. It was faint, but it was there.

Jason stood up. "Listen," he snapped. "We can't give up now! We have the Athena Parthenos almost to camp! We've all done crazy quests. AND we're working together. We WILL defeat Gaea. Don't give up hope."

Leo grinned. "Sparky happens to be right. I mean, we're on fire here!" For emphases, Leo set his hair up in flames. Percy snorted, and Hazel managed a smile.

"See?" Piper laughed, leaning on Jason's shoulder. "Even Gaea can't break this family apart."




Second thing: Here's what I think are the Heroes of Olympus theme songs...:

Percy: The Fighter, by Gym Class Heroes.

Annabeth: People Like Us, by Kelly Clarkson.

Jason: Rocketeer, by Far East Movement.

Piper: Rise, by The McClain Sisters.

Leo: Fireworks, by Katy Perry.

Hazel: Dark Side, by Kelly Clarkson.

Frank: It's Time, by Imagine Dragons.

Nico: Monster, by Imagine Dragons.

Reyna: Unbreakable, by Fireflight, OR Titanium, by David Quetta and Sia.

Calypso: How to Save a Life, by The Fray.

Thalia: To Feel Alive, by IAMEVE.

And that's all! Thank you soooooo much again!!!!!

Chicken and Waffles,


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