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This is worse than usual I'm sorry.

It also probably needs more warnings than usual so I'm sorry about that too.

Italics are flashbacks (or thoughts), it's relatively easy to differentiate between which is which.

Josh perks up at the sound of their name, slowly sitting up to peer over the edge of the sofa toward the door. They see who Tyler is talking to and fear immediately twists into them, they jump backward, fall off the sofa, scramble away - dragging the blanket with them. They're panicking and find them-self curled in a corner. They're hyperventilating and wrap the blanket around their body. They're thinking, nonononono, not him, anyone but him. They're sobbing and gasping for air as they're thrown into a flashback.

"God, your voice is so stupid, so annoying. I told you not to say anything but you did anyway didn't you? 'Hi, I'm Joshua Dun.'. I said I'd introduce you, but no, you had to be selfish and disobedient, didn't you? The one time I let you out somewhere." He says, not shouting but with malice lacing the words which is so much worse. Josh stands there, head bowed, guilt consuming them, they don't bother to defend them-self, he's right, it's their fault, they shouldn't have been so selfish, too selfish.

"Answer me!" He's yelling now, grabbing ahold of Josh's wrist tight enough to leave bruises.

"I-I'm sorry, it's my fault, all my fault, I p-promise, I'll be better next time." They rush out a reply, the aching bruises their body reminding them of what would happen if they didn't. It's easy to say because they believe it.

"I accept your apology. Now why don't you go to sleep or something, I'm going to go get something to eat." He replies, all the anger seemingly dissolved in a second. Josh frantically nods their head, rushing off upstairs as soon as the grip on their arm loosens. They rub their sore wrist, trying not to think of how they haven't  eaten tonight and if the past is anything to go by he won't let them eat for at least a few days as punishment. But it's okay, because Josh deserves it.

Well, that escalated quickly... or at least it did, in the past...

Neither (joshler) (needs editing) Where stories live. Discover now