Why us

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I Always knew Terran loved me but I never knew his love for me ran so deep within his veins . Speaking of Terran , when I woke up he was nowhere to be found. Someone who just left the hospital shouldn't be leaving the house this soon. . .Especially when I'm here alone.
I still haven't asked him what caused him to get shot or how it even happened. it couldn't have been from anything to serious I don't think. I just know when he gets home I will have everything set out for a good as day that we will spend together.
As I was thinking about how to make my time with Terran today perfect I began to wonder about how was my mother has been doing. I haven't seen her since I left the house that day me and Terran got into an argument. I know she may not be the best mother in the world but I still care about her health and how things are going with her.


T-man deserved what he got . . .Except the fact that his ass ain't dead yet. all he had to do was be loyal to me and his girl . . .But he couldn't do that. He gave that bitch all the power money and respect while I hardly even get a hey and bye from him. I Need to try and plan my next move before it gets to late. Terran is always 2 steps of any nigga scheming on him. . .I just happen to catch him slipping in the car.

I wasn't going to let this shit go. SOMEBODY SHOT MY Ass and I know somebody knows how it happens. if I Keep an ear to the streets I will soon find out because the streets hear and know everything.
I Still haven't forgot about Dee bitch ass running off with my money . . .And to think we were once cool.
As I was riding I seen Dee walking into our old trap house looking suspicious. I Whipped out my gun and began to enter the house quietly.
"Nigga what the fuck you doing showing your face back in this bitch" I said hitting him in the head with the gun. I could tell this nigga was scared by the way he tensed up. "T-man I just came to see if you would be here , shit it looks like the play been robbed." he said smirking at me. This nigga does not know that his damn life in danger If he keep fucking with me.

This nigga does not know I already got somebody working on his bitch. he already to late I just hope this bitch go through with the plan and don't do anything stupid. one wrong move and we both will be fucked up.
"Nigga I know you here me talking to your bitch ass" he said while smacking me once more with the gun. . .I started to feel dizzy and I couldn't. . .-

I smacked Dee once more with the gun and his ass was knocked out . . .this wasn't suppose to happen because I needed answers. I dragged him into our old raggedy basement and left him until he awakens.
I left the house in a hurry because it seemed as though something wasn't right. I began to drive home and think what was I doing before I got shot. my thoughts stopped immediately when I saw Danielle's car in the middle of our driveway with the front door wide open.

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How am I doing with the story ? any more ideas that would make the story better !😕😀😃

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