Chapter 4 - A misplaced prince

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Stefan awoke late the next morning feeling miserable as he washed and dressed. He walked over to Andri's room knocking on the door. There was no answer. Andri was normally an early riser and had always been the type to function on very little sleep, he was probably already downstairs digging into a hearty breakfast.

He tried hard to remember what had happened last night but drew a blank. He normally prided himself on his strong memory and he felt uneasy knowing he couldn't remember. He shook it off, he probably just needed some good strong tea.

He was suddenly looking forward to a few slow restful days ensconced in the library at Jegerborg while Andri hunted. Perhaps he was getting to be too old for this gadding about. He walked down the stairs fully expecting to see his chipper friend lounging at a table, but was a little disappointed to see him nowhere in sight. He could be out checking on the horses. Andri sometimes did that himself. Or perhaps he was just out getting some fresh air or shopping in the market.

The common room was crowded with travelers and smelled heavily of bacon and of the night before. He took a seat at a table by the large fireplace, inhaling it's warm smoky scent. The warmth felt good though it did little to improve his aching head. He waved a servant over, ordered food and asked that someone ready their horses. He expected they would leave after breakfast. He rubbed his head, the events of last night came back to Stefan in blurry cloudy images.

The strange red-haired woman was at the forefront of those thoughts, though he couldn't recall any specific details of her. His thoughts were interrupted when a large plate of greasy eggs and meats were brought out and Stefan dug in despite his slightly sour stomach. He scanned the room in between bites looking for his friend, his unease slowly growing.

A servant came bounding up to Stefan a short while later. He was young maybe twelve or so, wearing shabby ill-fitting clothes and an apron. His hair was long and tied back at the nape with a thin piece of leather.

"Milord, your mare has been fed and watered sir and is ready."

"Thank you." Stefan said. The boy bowed and turned away. Stefan grabbed the boy just before he managed to get more than an arm's length away. "What about his highness' horse? The grey stallion?"

The boy looked at him quizzically.

"It's gone, milord." The boy said as if this should be common knowledge.

"What do you mean gone?" Stefan said standing up while maintaining his hold on the boy. Stefan had said it a tad too loud and some of the patrons in the common room had stopped to look causing Stefan to calm his emotions and take a seat once again.

"Hans, the stable boy, said the prince stormed in in the middle of the night like wild hounds was after him and left." Stefan let go of the boy. He made no effort to hide the confusion on his face. There was no way Andri would have left without him. Sure he had run out on his parents, but he never would have run out on him. Though, it would explain why he wasn't here in the common room or up in his bedroom. Still there had to have been some kind of mistake.

"Was he certain it was Andri...err...the prince?" Stefan asked, wanting to make sure. Maybe someone looking like Andri stole the horse.

"Aye, milord." The boy's widened. "Ain't nobody that looks like that golden prince."

The boy had a point.

Stefan thought on it for a moment. Perhaps Andri was anxious to get to Castle Jegerborg... but no, something must have gone wrong. Andri would not have left him. He may have been a tad flighty and more than a little exuberant, but he was the most loyal of friends. The woman from the gaming room came back to his mind.

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