Chapter 17 - Stray cats and pigs

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It was two more days before they reached a fork in the road. Annika stared at the signpost, but Mr. Pig seemed to know where he wanted to go and turned towards Hafenstadt. When they reached the top of the next craggy outcropping, before the land slopped down towards the coast, Annika stopped in her tracks. The smell of cool damp salty air hit her all at once.

She was going to see the ocean. In all her wildest dreams, she had never imagined seeing such a thing. Wohnort was a land-locked little village and because she had never thought to leave, she had never thought to see any other part of the world. It suddenly dawned on her that she was free to see all of the world if she wanted.

When glistening waters of the bay came into view just beyond the port and the great city, she couldn't help but stop to take it in. The sight took her breath away. It was so big, stretching from the horizon to as far as she could see to the left and the right. The unending water met the hard curve of the bay that made up the city of Hafenstadt.

Sunlight glinted off of the midnight blue sea making it sparkle like the night sky. Fuzzy white waves appeared and disappeared quickly as she stared out.

"Would you mind if we stopped and sat, Mr. Pig?" She asked taking a seat on a rock that seemed perfectly made for sitting. Mr. Pig grunted softly, lying down at her feet. She stared out at the waves and smiled, the view somehow making her problems seem small and insignificant.

There was so much more to the world than her little Wohnort and the curse upon her.

The salty breeze fluttered past her ears; ruffling her fur. Loose locks of grey hair danced across her vision.

Gentle pulses of calm and warmth washed over her like the waves along the coast. She was far away still but her large ears could just pick up the sounds.

She smiled for the first time in what seemed like ages a large toothy smile.

She would go to the beach. She would see the pier. Granted she would see it from inside her cloak, but she would see it. She would see so many things that she can't even imagine and that she never thought she would see.

She pushed up from the ground and took her first step towards her new future.


They entered the vibrant crowded city pushing through the packed streets as if they were weaving through the thick bramble of a forest. Scarred sailors were everywhere, many with deep marks on their faces or missing limbs. Some even had tattoos or pierced ears or noses. The city also had many foreigners with skin and hair of every color imaginable and exotic clothes and jewelry. Annika marveled at all of it and instantly fell in love with this place. Though she was still a cat beast, somehow, she didn't feel quite so different here. But she still didn't trust other people to not scream and so she clutched her hood tight, her claws digging into the fabric as she looked around.

She made it to the edge of a large open outdoor market before she felt a hand grab her arm. A large greasy man with a black eye patch and more fingers than teeth loomed over her.

"How much for the pig?" He asked tersely. She stood tall but kept her head down.

"He's not for sale." She said firmly as she shook off his hand. Mr. Pig grunted and charged the man snapping at him with his great tusks. The man scowled, throwing his hands up and walking away.

"Your loss, missy. I'd a paid at least 30 coppers for 'im."

Annika hissed at the man and scowled, turning. She really could have used the money. Her stomach growled reminding her that she was out of food and had left all her money for Sofie. But no amount of money could have persuaded her to sell her only friend. That's something Valdimir would have done and even as a shunned cat beast, she would be better than him. She would just have to figure something else out. She knew she was not without skill. She could garden, sew and cook and she enjoyed the mindless busy activity associated with cleaning. If she could just get someone to look passed her appearance, then maybe she could find work at a tavern or household. In the back, of course, where customers need not have to see her. But first she wanted to explore this new city.

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