Chapter 26 - The magician's secret

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Though the shabby yet vividly animated Hafenstadt market was still Annika's favorite new place, the decadent sophistication of Grune Stadt offered a new side of life that she had never thought to be exposed to. This was how the nobles lived and she couldn't help but feel a little like a fly floating in a silver punch bowl.

She followed Eben to a large open air pavilion crowded with people dressed in their Landet Gress finery. It was like the market in Hafenstadt and yet it was somehow less colorful and vibrant, though it was several times larger and contained much fancier and more expensive items.

Thick columns surrounded the area and held up a high arched glass roof that reverberated the sounds of bartering and made her sensitive ears twitch. All around them, long rows of tables and booths were set up with various wares for sale.

They made their way to where a trader had large wooden crates with building kits for a wide variety of buildings packed inside. Some contained gazebos while others contained garden follies, fountains or pieces to small cottages. Annika smiled knowing one of them contained her greenhouse.

Eben negotiated while the well-dressed middle-aged merchant stared distractedly at Annika. They finally settled on a price decidedly in Eben's favor. Annika couldn't help but wonder if the cat beast flexing her claws had a hand in that. She smiled at Eben as he shook hands with the merchant sealing the deal.

With the crates set aside, Eben waved his hand and said a few words shrinking the crates down to the size of a pair of dice before picking them up and stuffing them in one of his many coat pockets.

They then made their way down the rows buying wood, seeds, fertilizer, and flower pots.

Annika had relaxed in the crowd beside Eben and let her eyes wonder unheeded. They had settled into comfortable conversation after the purchase of the greenhouse and they elbowed each other and poked fun at some of the more ridiculous things being offered for sale. She could not remember ever having so much fun and she found herself vibrating with joy at being in Eben's company. Eventually, their conversation devolved into a riddle competition with each trying to stump the other.

"What has one eye but cannot see?" He asked as they stopped in front of a booth selling jeweled knives.

"Oh I heard that one before. It's a needle. Come on you must have some truly tricky ones up in that supposedly superior brain of yours." Annika laughed as she elbowed him.

Eben smiled. "Alright... let's see... Oh I know! I defy you to know this one."

"Feed me and I live, give me a drink and I die. What am I?"

Annika had not heard this one before. She smiled as she pondered the words. She would solve this riddle if it killed her, if only to prove to the arrogant magician beside that she could.

She was quickly dragged from her thoughts when she felt a large rough hand grab her cloak from behind. Annika turned to see a smarmy looking man with a black beard leering down at her.

"You would make my theatre rich. Can you do any tricks, beast?" The man said with a thick stilting accent as he pulled her close and eyed her face.

Annika was so shocked she didn't know what to say. She hissed at him and swatted out her paw, but it met only air. A pair of hands had already grabbed the man and pulled him off of her.

"You'll unhand the lady, apologize and do well to remember that she is not an animal." Eben said roughly as he pushed the ruffian back.

"Ha! And who are you to stop me." The man stood up. He was taller and wider than Eben but Eben met his eyes and returned his stare. The air surrounding them suddenly got warmer.

Beauty and the Magician (Tales of the Red Witch Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now