Chapter 5 - The black cloud over Jegerborg

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The next several days past in a blur of activity, with Stefan doing the only thing he could do and assisting the guards in their search.

A few sleepless nights later, Captain Nagel of the King's guard arrived with Pieter, the king's steward. They had come to drag Prince Andri home but instead took over the search when they had heard from Stefan and the guards about the missing prince.

It was clear after a week of exhaustive searches that included dragging the lakes and combing the forests that the prince was nowhere near Jegerborg any longer. Pieter, Captain Nagel, and Stefan set out for the palace in Grune Stadt to break the news to the King. Stefan dreaded this, but he was the highest ranking person and Andri's best friend and it was his responsibility to do this.

Stefan was a wreck on the long trek back to Grune Stadt. He couldn't help but blame himself. His best friend was missing and it was his fault. He should have stopped him from running away. He should have encouraged him to at least meet the princess before running away.

He had been told by the steward, that the princess Giovanna had asked to stay but her envoy, clearly insulted by the run-away prince had dragged her back home a few days after their arrival. Stefan laughed uncomfortably, he still wouldn't know what exactly Andri had been running from. He wondered if she knew he had gone missing and whether she blamed herself or not.

Stefan ran through the events from the moment they had left the palace to the moment the captain arrived at Jegerborg over and over again out loud and in his head, practicing his words for the King and willing himself to figure it out.

They eventually arrived at the palace and sought audience with the King immediately. Stefan had to watch the proud and strong face of King Hendrik of Landet Gress crumble as he was told the story. He still didn't know how he had managed to hold himself together through it.

Afterwards, the captain dragged Stefan from the great hall to a small meeting room. It would seem that he was not finished with Stefan yet.

"What was her name? The Vallesian woman at the Bull and Thistle." Captain Nagel asked Stefan once again growing more and more frustrated at his vague answers. Stefan willed the captain to understand that he wanted more than anything to remember more, but he had tried and he couldn't. It was as if his mind was a slate that had been wiped clean.

Stefan was beyond exhausted, he had barely slept since he discovered Andri missing. He was dirty, his eyes bloodshot and sitting upon deep purple bags.

"I don't remember her name or what she looked like beyond what I already told you. She must have drugged me." Stefan said again with conviction or as much conviction as he could muster on so little sleep. Everything about that night and the mysterious woman remained a blur. He was sure she had something to do with his disappearance, but by all account Andri left the inn alone and there was no sign of a woman having been recently at Jegerborg. At this point, it had been over a week since Andri went missing and there had been no notice, or word about it of any kind.

"Why did he leave you at the inn?" The stolid captain asked circling Stefan like a buzzard floating over a rotten carcass. That was the one thing no one including Stefan could figure out. Everyone knew of their friendship. They were like brothers, inseparable.

"I don't know, as I said, I was unwell and went to bed. All I know is that he was gone come morning. I went to Jegerborg thinking he went there after I was notified that his horse was gone." Stefan struggled to get the words out. Tears were building in his eyes, he could no longer keep hold of his emotions. Lack of sleep had stripped all control away.

"What did it look like when you arrived?" Stefan rubbed a hand over his face. Will the nightmare never end?

The captain knew what it had looked like, he had arrived a few days after he had and had seen it himself. Stefan had disturbed nothing and the guards from Hafenstadt that rode to Jegerborg just after Stefan had attested to that.

Stefan's head fell heavily forward to the table in front of him. He started to cry, he needed a bath and some sleep, he needed his sister Eris, but most of all he needed to keep looking for his friend. He couldn't help but feel as though he had failed him somehow.

Just then the door to the room swung open.

"Good evening , Captain." It was his father, the Duke of Draaksten himself in all his imposing glory. Stefan cringed at the sound of his father's roughened voice. It seemed to contradict the clean shiny military uniform he wore. Even though the had been born a second son to a Marquis, he had been given the title of Draaksten as a reward later in life after he had forged a successful campaign to clear a pocket of dragons from the valley below the Houndstooth Mountains. It had been an accomplishment that had earned him the admiring eye of a then Prince Hendrik. The two had been friends ever since; a friendship they carried on through their children. Alban entered the room and immediately seemed to take up more space than was humanly possible. Stefan used to wish he had inherited that ability when he was younger, but now he only wished to shrink into the floor.

"I'm taking my son home now. I assure you, he won't be leaving our home in the city anytime soon. If you have further questions, you may call upon us there tomorrow." His father's words were firm and did not invite contradiction.

Captain Nagel stood straight, seemingly nonplussed by the great hero duke's authority, but he also didn't challenge him. It would have been foolish for him to do so.

"I will see you both tomorrow then, your grace. Lord Stefan knows the prince better than most and is likely the key to finding his Highness." The Captain stated firmly.

The duke nodded while sniffing the air in the stale room. "He'll be of more use once he's slept and had a bath." Stefan couldn't help but be offended that these men were standing around discussing him as if he was a mere child guilty of stealing sweets. He was a man of twenty three years. A man who was currently broken and shaking with worry. The Duke roughly grabbed his arm and jerked him from the room. The Duke stomped several steps down the hallway dragging Stefan beside him. Once out of earshot of the guards, his father pulled him close and growled in his ear.

"I don't know what you and that turniphead of a prince got yourselves into this time, but if he isn't found soon it could spell disaster for the kingdom. I expect a full account in the morning." Stefan cringed at the thought, shuddering at the feel of his father's breath in his ear. He had lost track of just how many times he had told his story. He hated it. He didn't want to tell it again, but he would have no choice. His father would not accept a refusal to his request. He tried not to think about his friend and what the king and queen and especially princess Karlotta, Andri's younger sister, must going through.

One thing was certain, he would not rest until Andri was found.


Author's Note:

The above picture is how I picture Jegerborg. Seems like a perfect escape, doesn't it?

What do you think happened to Andri? How will Stefan find him? Why haven't we met the other main character yet? Stay tuned. There is so much more to come!

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