Chapter 23 - Beauty and the beast

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Annika and Toby dug into their large slices of the silky cake while rubbing their overstuffed bellies in contentment. The cake was a little burnt and kind of lop-sided and yet it was the best cake they had ever had. Maybe it was because Annika made it herself and it had been a sweet labor of love. The sentiment baked into the cake more than made up for it's lack of perfection.

"Rose?" Toby asked. He had come further out of his shell over the last day and was beginning to feel like the mischievous little brother Annika had never had. Their banter had fallen into a comfortable teasing manner that was different and yet completely the same as what she had shared with Sofie. One only had to make an effort to push past the rough orphan boy exterior to find the truth.

Annika was willing to make the effort because, in truth, she liked Toby. She didn't feel like she had to hide with him. She didn't have to worry about propriety, or watching her temper, or holding in her curses. He didn't stare at her or make her feel as though she was different and they had a similar offensive honesty that meant she didn't have to keep her mouth shut.

"Does your cat nose help you smell better?" He asked with his typical smug smile.

Annika made every effort to hide her amusement. The impossible boy was goading her again and she was determined not to crack. Toby would learn soon enough that she could give as good as she got.

"No, bathing makes me smell better. Something you should try to do more often."

Toby's mouth dropped open before he dissolved into laughter. Annika joined in a moment later.

Toby wiped the tears from his eyes and fought to regain his composure.

"Rose?" He asked again, this time a little more shyly.

"Yes Toby?" Annika asked as she stifled yet another giggle. She was expecting another jab but it didn't come.

"It would be kinda good, if you stayed." He said to his slice of cake. Her heart broke for him. Part of her wanted to stay too, but this wasn't her home as much as it was growing to feel like it.

She took a deep breath considering her words. "I would like that very much, but at some point I have to go find the red haired magician." Upon seeing his face fall she added. "But I think I would come back after I found her... for a visit anyway." She found herself smiling, knowing it was the absolute truth.

He had a door in Wohnort after all. She would be able to visit often once she had her life back.

"Besides, it's not really my decision to make whether I can stay, is it?" she asked. She considered the absent master. It had been two and a half days and there was still no sign of them.

"Gah, haven't even seen 'im in over a week! Might never come back for all I know! Prolly got kidnapped or eaten..." Toby grumbled taking another bite of cake.

"A week!?" Annika interrupted.

As if he knew precisely that they were talking about him; the Hafenstadt door opened omitting one forelorn and bedraggled looking man. The air in the room seemed to warm instantly.

His head was down, the brim of his grey top hat obscuring the upper portion of his face. The collar of his long black coat was pulled up hiding the lower. He dragged his feet to the fireplace, his back to Toby and Annika as he removed his hat and coat. They flew from his hand and hung themselves on the pegs. His head lifted to the room and he froze in a highly confused manner. It was as if he had wondered lost in thought and suddenly realized where he was.

One hand came up to scratch his curly black hair covered head in utter bafflement. "My stars... What happened here?"

Well, she supposed he hadn't seen the place since she had cleaned it.

Beauty and the Magician (Tales of the Red Witch Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now