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I was going to update this chapter yesterday but then...I got distracted with the Star Wars marathon and then my stupid laptop decided to be a bitch to me but anyway, here it is.

I'm kinda iffy with this chapter because I had a lot of distractions and kept writing Jedis and Siths battling it out with this chapter rather than what I've been deciding this chapter to be. I know it sounds weird and the nerd in me gets super excited when it comes to Star Wars but I did my best to not put any Star Wars in this chapter or in the future chaps lol

Hope you enjoy it! <3


The Lesbian in Black:



I continued to run, forcing myself to go faster. I ignored my muscles’ screams and my lungs’ protests as I ran deeper into the woods. Branches scratching against my skin almost clawing into me, drawing out blood. I don’t know why I was running. All I know was that something was chasing me that dowsed me with so much fear that my initial reaction was to run even though I was told not to. I was easy prey when I gave chase, giving the predator its thrill. 

If that wasn’t confusing for me, I didn’t know where I was going. Surrounded by trees, forbidden the moonlight to seep through and guide me, I searched for a place to hide. Anywhere to lead the thing that was chasing me. Above me in the darkness where I could hear the leaves rustling from the wind - or were they cackling at me? - did I hear a crow croak loudly, alerting me of its presence. But a I looked up, all I saw were the shadows of trees and no piercing gray eyes staring down at me.

How did I know that gray eyes would be looking at me?, I wondered as I looked forward and took an abrupt left turn.

Ahead of me, I could see a milky white light glowing. A grin spread onto my lips as I pushed myself even further to get near it. Each pounding of my heart felt like an unbearable burn. Each time I took breath made my lungs scream in agony. My throat burned icily almost like I was drowning just moments ago. I felt like my legs were about to collapse if I didn’t get to the light.

The closer I got, the more did I notice that there were voices coming from that light. Childlike voices screaming at me of warnings. Warnings that gave me a clue as to what what was behind me. I still hadn’t looked behind me to see what was chasing me but the sound of heavy breathing and their presence almost getting closer to me did I let the fear take over. It was the fear that knocked me down to my knees, inches away from the light.

Hurry… They’re coming!’

‘Don’t let them get you!’

‘You’re not safe here!’


The last one was a loud screech that made me cover my ears but the words seeped through the cracks of my fingers, ringing loudly in my ears. My brain pounded harder almost as if it was expanding itself within my skull, seconds away from rupturing. Tears fell down my cheeks as I felt a hot liquid trickling through my fingers and down my hands. With the unbearable screeching lessening did I look at my hands to realize that it was blood.

My blood.

I was bleeding from my ears.

My hearing slowly fading and then everything was on mute. As if someone just randomly pressed the mute button on the remote leaving only my eyes to help me with my surroundings. 

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