4th of January '14- Happy new year!! (And other stuff)

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Happy new year!!!

How is it even 2014?! That also means that I'm almost 14.... I remember being 9 XD

Woww it's only 1month 1day until my bday, which means that it's only one month until my next hospital appointment *great* :/

Not looking forward to the next appointment because I know that basically nothing will be achieved out of it because of nothing showing up on my last ECG.

I've got a feeling though that I might have an episode 1 week after my appointment as I'm doing a show a week after and I'll get really tired.. While I have to do something in a dance that could trigger it too.

I go to this drama group that I've been with for 3 and a half years and we do shows every 6 months (always near my birthday, for 2 years in a row 6 hour rehearsals were on my birthday!!) and thankfully my heart has never had an episode during a show but this show I think I might, because we have our show on Thursday night, Friday night and a Saturday night (13th, 14th, 15th of feb) and I still have school on the Thursday and Friday. Sooo I'll have no lie in after the first show after a full week of school... A 6 hour rehearsal on 9th (Sunday)... And a 4 hour rehearsal on the 11th of feb (Tuesday) from 6-10pm!!

And about the thing that triggers it- we're doing "Joseph and his technicoloured dream coat" (no idea how to spell technicoloured) so the whole show is singing and dancing, I'm not a big part, but I'm chorus and this other thing too so I have to do loads of dancing including skipping around in a circle while we sing all of the colours (red and yellow and pink and green and blue and violet and black and ochre.... It goes on and on) but we basically have to do it for about just over a minute, and then straight after we have to crouch down quickly..

That's gonna be fun

Aaannywayy- I've got to choose my GCSE options in the next few weeks which is just a tad daunting! And also on the 7th of February (2 days after my birthday) we have consultation day (parents evening) where I get all of my results and see if I'm 'meeting' 'below' or 'exceeding' my target grades. Although at least we only have to go into school for 15 minutes on that day with our parents!! But I worked it out (because I'm weird) and consultation day in 2 years will be on my 16th birthday.. (It's always on the first Friday of February) aren't I lucky!


Don't really know why I'm updating this now, I just kinda wanted to wright and I couldn't edit adoption because I can't go on the laptop (my mum would have a go at me for getting it out this late) and if I go on it through the app to edit it it might delete it (its happened before)

So many brackets, ands and alsos in this XD

I want to add something else to this but I don't know what..

Hope that you all had a great year last year and that you have an even better one this year!!

~Jessie xx

((Sorry if this chapter is rambley or doesn't make sense, in my defence it is 10:35pm and I am too tired to re-read it))

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