So..... -February 1st '14

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Wow... So you know I said that I was gonna finish writing this update after my hospital appointment next Tuesday? Well...

So on the 29th of January we were doing circuit training in pe, and although I'm not meant to do that I was fed up of being different and people talking about me so yeah...

We had done about 20 minutes of non-stop pe, when during me doing one of the station things I felt my heart go and I was like... Great -__-

I told my pe teacher, who said that I should just go and sit down.. And I think I interrupted her and told her that I needed to get an ambulance to record my heart on an ECG XD but she should have known though, that I needed to call an ambulance, as all of my teachers that I have we're sent an email at the beginning of December telling them so.

Aaannywayy, I went to our school office where after I told them my name and that I needed an ambulance they called for it straight away and the ambulance actually came really quick!! I could feel that my heart was going reaaalllyyy fast but the people in the office were really nice to me while they called my mum and the paramedics set up a wheelchair for me. They wheeled me to the ambulance and they let me bring one of the ladies who work in the office with me. I must have been in the ambulance for about half an hour while they drove me to the hospital but it was so awkward because they had the siren and lights on most of the way!!! The paramedic that was in the back with me took my blood pressure which was normal (it was actually exactly the correct blood pressure) but when he gave me an ECG it was at 240bpm!!! That's 4 beats per second! When he told me I was like woww!! Then when we got to the hospital my mum had already arrived but they immediately took me to the part of A+E for pediatric emergency and connected me up to another ECG. They took my blood pressure again but this time it had gone down loads so the doctor told me that as my heart had been at 240bpm for over an hour and because of my decreasing blood pressure I would need to have this drug (Adenosine) through an IV in my arm. He then told me that I may have 'impending doom' which my mum later said that it meant having a flashback through your life (?) I'm not sure if thats right. I've had 3 IV's before, so I'm quite used to having them put in but it hurt when the doctor couldn't find a vein to put the IV in! On his 3rd attempt he managed to get it in, and then after flushing my IV with water, he put the Adenosine into my IV, he then lifted my arm up so that it would travel to my heart quicker, but about 4 seconds after I felt the HORRIBLE pain from the drug. It felt like someone was squeezing my heart with all of their stregnth and not letting go. The pain died off after about 15-20 seconds but then I felt my heart going really fast again. The realisation that I had to go through that pain again was awful.

He flushed my IV again and put the Adenosine in. My mum could tell that the pain was really bad to me so she tried counting the seconds while I had the pain but instead in my head I sang conquer the world. I tried blocking out the pain as much as possible but then.. I realised that in-between him giving me the second dose and that moment, there was a peice of time missing!!.. Turns out that my heart had stopped for just over 3 seconds! The thing that I think re-started my heart was the force when the doctor lowered my bed to flat position so that he could start chest compressions.

I'm gonna skip the next 6 hours because all that happened was I got a suspected diagnosis from my ECG'S and my hospital sent the ECG's to Alderhay hospital to be confirmed as they don't often get people my age with what they thought I had. But then, finally, after over 6 hours of being constantly observed on ECG and my blood pressure being taken every hour and a half, my hospital got a call from Alderhay hospital saying that my hosptial were right- I have Wolff Parkinson White syndrome! To get a diagnosis was such a relief, and I still smile when I think about it now! Alderhay also reccomended what tablets to start me on, and because my hospital didn't have the tablets and they wanted to observe me anyway afterwards to see if/what side effects I would get I had to stay there on wednesday night.

Thursday morning I took my first tablet (Flecainide Acetate) and I had to stay in the whole day until 6:30pm! Thankfully I don't think I've had any side-effects except for my heart having small fluters more often. If I stay on this medication and don't switch to a different one then every year I'll have to have blood tests to check that my iron levels are okay, but thats not too bad.

Next week on thursday I've got a blood test for my iron levels, and in 3 months I'll have an appointment with the doctor I met in december from alderhay hospital. It kinda feels like its the school holidays.. (because I've been off school since half way through wednesday)

So yeah.. it turns out I have the same thing as Jessie J!! And if you don't know what WPW is, its an *an extra electric pathway* (I'm editing this in now because I got it wrong) That isn't always used but when it is it makes your heart go fast.. I don't 100% know what happens but it's more correct than before I edited this!

Although I'm not sure if Jessie J has the same version of WPW as me, mine is the version where even though my heart goes mega fast, it stays mainly at a regular rhythm (the SVT version of it) whereas I think Jessie J has the irregular version.

Annywayy I'll be back to normal hopefully in time for my birthday next wednesday! I'm fine really, it's just my eating pattern has been slaughtered and I'm now bad at eating :/

Wow this update is really long!! Now to read all of the magazines that my family/friends have given me- theres tons!!!

~Jessie xxx

((how is it already 5pm?! +sorry I've not checked this so tell me if theres any mistakes!))

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