Why I haven't been reading and writing :s ~|15th of March '14

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Firstly soooorrrrrryyyyyy for no update on Adoption, this will tell you why-

Plain and simply I guess, I was awkward and got awful side effects from my heart tablets 4 weeks after starting them. Yayy (-__-).

From Monday the 24th of Feb to Friday the 28th, I started getting heart flutters and dizziness, On that Saturday my dizziness and flutters were awful, and at one point I thought that I was going to have an episode my flutter was so bad. Then on that Sunday I had a 7 hour headache that wouldn't go away with painkillers as well as the other two symptoms and it was SO annoying! Later that night I realised that I hadn't been understanding things properly since the day before. I hadn't noticed it thart much because of not needing to think on a weekend, but I remembered how every now and then I wouldn't understand something that my mum had said to me in just a simple conversation. I didn't really think much of it because I can be slightly dozy anyway at some times, but then the ext day at school when I had to think I realised how bad it was.

Skipping most details- I figured out that along with the other things I was also experiencing episodes of confusion and short term memory loss. To put it simply, school was hell. I didn't understand what teachers said to me, I learnt nothing in lessons and even having a conversation with my friends was hard. Reading was even hard for me, instantly forgetting what I'd just read and being confused to what was happening in books which wasn't helped by the fact that I usually read tons of books at once because of wattpad. It was only my third day in school with the symptoms, but when I got home my mum ended up calling my paediatric cardiac doctor and asking if I would be able to change tablets or something because of these side effects.. althoughh my doctor was on leave for that week -__-

My mum called him back on the next Monday (10th March) in her lunch hour, but he told her that I had to make the decision between going off the tablets and risking it, or staying on them and dealing with the side effects. Both of which would have to be for at the very least 3 months. In my opinion that was like asking me to choose between my health and my education. And yah, I know, health should come first, but when I'm having my year 9 SATS in a month and a half I didn't and don't want to mess them up. So my mum called him back XP

He said that he didn't think that what I was having was really side effects, and that it was my 'hormones' or something, but he said that if I wanted to then I could go off the tablets for a short time and see if my confusion and that goes away, and if it does then to phone him on Friday (yesterday) morning. So we ended up phoning him yesterday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's so good to be not confused all of the time :)

And a thing that I only really recognise now is that I think another side effect I was getting was depression. I don't know for definite, but I was unhappy all of the time around the time when I was experiencing the other side effects so I think so. Now I feel so much more livelier, happier, bubblier and generally really good :P

Altogether I think my side effects were-





short term memory loss

chest tightness

heart flutters



moodswings?! (I cried so much more easier)

Next Thursday I'm going to be starting my new tablet, Atenolol, and hopefully that will work for the time being! (I can't start it right away because the Flecainide has to be completely out of my system first). And my mum convinced me, after all this, to put my ablation date forwards :/ I'm now on the waiting list, and my ablation will be any time between the 16th of July and the 10th of September :(

I HATE the fact that its most probably interrupt my summer. In the summer I have my show that I'm just starting now, a drama 2 week summer school that has a show at the end that I always do, and a family holiday (not booked yet thankfully, but I'm hoping that we can still have one.

I'm hopefully going to be writing more of Adoption tomorrow, so hopefully an update soon :s

Enough about me, I hope all of you are good, and just a random thing- if you ever need to chat or just generally want to chat, then inbox me :)

theres a face on the end of almost every paragraph on this update XD

~Jessie xx

p.s, I cant believe its a year since Jess shaved her head :O so proud of her!

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