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         On Monday everyone was in history. When class was over they all went to lunch. "Farkle what took you so long to leave Riley's?" Maya asked. "Oh I was helping her clean up." Farkle said

            "Oh okay." Maya said nodded. When they got to the cafeteria everyone went in the lunch line, except Riley. Farkle walked over and sat across from her. "Riley why arent you getting food?" he asked

              Riley looked up. "Oh I actually have to go to my dads classroom for a second. I will be right back." she said reading a text.

                 She got up and walked to her dads class. When she got there Shawn, Eric, Josh and Topanga were there since her dad didnt have any other classes for the day.

               She looked at them confused but then sat on a desk next to Shawn. "Whats up?" she asked. Her dad hesitated but then spoke.

              "Riley, its a big deal." her dad said. Then nodded "I can handle it." she said sitting up straighter. "Your grandma, my mom," he said looking at her not wanting to say it "Had a heart attack." he said

              Riley stiffened and looked at him confused "They are gonna do everything they can but they dont think it will help." her mom added.

         Everyone just looked at Riley wanting her to react. All she did was get up and walk out.

           Everyone was sitting at their lunch table. Riley came over and silently sat down. It was silent for a few minutes "Riles?" Maya asked. Riley looked at her and faked a smile "Are you okay?" Maya said following up. Riley nodded.

             "Do you want any food?" Zay asked. No you dont. Youre fat remember? "N-No." Riley said. Zay nodded and started talking about school.

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